Not sure what you mean by "translate a where clause to a filter function".

Isn't that exactly what Table.filter(String condition) is doing?
It translates a SQL-like condition (represented as String) into an operator
that filter the Table.

2017-09-09 23:49 GMT+02:00 Flavio Pompermaier <>:

> Yes I can do that of course.
> What I need is basically the possibility to translate a where clause to a
> filter function. Is there any utility class that does that in Flink?
> On 9 Sep 2017 21:54, "Fabian Hueske" <> wrote:
>> Hi Flavio,
>> I tried to follow your example. If I got it right, you would like to
>> change the registered table by assigning a different DataStream to the
>> original myDs variable.
>> With registerDataStream("test", myDs, ...) you don't register the
>> variable myDs as a table but it's current value, i.e., a reference to a
>> DataStream object.
>> By changing the value of myDs, you just override the reference in myDs
>> but do not change the reference that was registered in Calcite's catalog.
>> This is common behavior in many programming languages including Java.
>> Right now, there is no way to change or override a registered table. We
>> had this functionality once, but had to remove it after a Calcite version
>> upgrade.
>> Can you use a new TableEnvironment and register the new table there?
>> Best, Fabian
>> 2017-09-08 17:55 GMT+02:00 Flavio Pompermaier <>:
>>> Hi to all,
>>> I have a doubt about Table API.
>>> Let's say my code is something like:
>>> StreamTableEnvironment te = ...;
>>> RowTypeInfo rtf = new RowTypeInfo(...);
>>> DataStream<Row> myDs =
>>> te.registerDataStream("test",myDs,columnNames);
>>> Table table = te.sql("SELECT *, (NAME = 'John') as VALID FROM test WHERE
>>> ...";
>>> myDs = te.toDataStream(table.where("VALID").select(columnNames), rtf);
>>> If I do:
>>> DataStream<Row> res = te.sql("SELECT * FROM test");
>>> I'd like that res could take the data from the last version of
>>> this program correct..?
>>> Or should I override the "test" table in the tableEnvironment? Is that
>>> possible? I don't see any API to allow this..
>>> Best,
>>> Flavio

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