Hi Gordon, 

Thanks again for your answer. 

But I am not sure if I understood this part:
"The workaround, for now, would be to explicitly disable chaining of the
consumer source with any stateful operators before taking the savepoint and
changing the operator UID."

So my code looks like this:

        DataStream<Model2> stream2 = env.addSource(new
        DataStream<Model12> stream12 = stream2
                .flatMap(new CoFlatMapFunction()); // this is a stateful

I have added uid() as you have suggested, but I got the following message:

Cannot map savepoint state for operator 5167ac19a7ef76538ac5476b6094bc29 to
the new program, because the operator is not available in the new program.
If you want to allow to skip this, you can set the --allowNonRestoredState
option on the CLI.

What should I do here ? 


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