(Accidentally sent this to Timo instead of to-list...)


What Timo says is true, but in case you have a higher parallism than the number 
of partitions (because you want to make use of it in a future operator), you 
could do a .rebalance() (see 
 after the Kafka source.
This makes sure that all operators after the Kafka source get an even load, at 
the cost of having to redistribute the documents (so there is de/serialization 
+ network overhead).


On 10/3/17, 09:34, "Sofer, Tovi " <tovi.so...@citi.com> wrote:

    Hi Robert,
    I had similar issue.
    For me the problem was that the topic was auto created with one partition.
    You can alter it to have 5 partitions using kafka-topics  command.
    kafka-topics --alter  --partitions 5 --topic fix --zookeeper localhost:2181 
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Timo Walther [mailto:twal...@apache.org] 
    Sent: יום ב 02 אוקטובר 2017 20:59
    To: user@flink.apache.org
    Subject: Re: kafka consumer parallelism
    I'm not a Kafka expert but I think you need to have more than 1 Kafka 
partition to process multiple documents at the same time. Make also sure to 
send the documents to different partitions.
    Am 10/2/17 um 6:46 PM schrieb r. r.:
    > Hello
    > I'm running a job with "flink run -p5" and additionally set 
    > The source of the stream is Kafka, the job uses FlinkKafkaConsumer010.
    > In Flink UI though I notice that if I send 3 documents to Kafka, only one 
'instance' of the consumer seems to receive Kafka's record and send them to 
next operators, which according to Flink UI are properly parallelized.
    > What's the explanation of this behavior?
    > According to sources:
    > To enable parallel execution, the user defined source should
    >       * implement {@link 
    > org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.source.ParallelSourceFunction
    > } or extend {@link
    >       * 
    > org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.source.RichParallelSourceFunc
    > tion}
    > which FlinkKafkaConsumer010 does
    > Please check a screenshot at 
    > https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__imgur.com_a_E1H9r
    > &d=DwIDaQ&c=j-EkbjBYwkAB4f8ZbVn1Fw&r=bfLStYBPfgr58eRbGoW11gp3x4kr3rJ99
    > _MiSMX5oOs&m=LiwKApZmqwYYsiKqby4Ugd5WJgyPKpj3H7s9l7Xw_Qg&s=ti6cswIJ4X9
    > d5wgGkq5EUx41y4WXZ_z_HebkoOrLEmw&e=   you'll see that only one sends 3 
    > records to the sinks
    > My code is here: 
    > https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__pastebin.com_yjYC
    > XAAR&d=DwIDaQ&c=j-EkbjBYwkAB4f8ZbVn1Fw&r=bfLStYBPfgr58eRbGoW11gp3x4kr3
    > rJ99_MiSMX5oOs&m=LiwKApZmqwYYsiKqby4Ugd5WJgyPKpj3H7s9l7Xw_Qg&s=AApHKm3
    > amPLzWwAqk2KITEeUkhNE0GS1Oo02jaUpKIw&e=
    > Thanks!

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