I have a job that runs an Apache Tika pipeline and it fails with "Caused by: 

Flink includes commons-compress 1.4.1, while Tika needs 1.14. 
I also have Apache Avro in the project with commons-compress at 1.8.1, so I 
force 1.14 with 


this seems to work as mvn dependency:tree -Ddetail=true only shows 1.14 and 
after purge, the local maven repo also only contains 1.14

yet, after i deploy the job and it reads an Avro package from kafka and passes 
it to Tika, it fails with the error above, which leads me to think it somehow 
uses commons-compress at a version prior to 1.14, because method 'detect' is 
not present in older versions

I excluded/included it from the fat-jar
still the same problem

thanks for any hints!

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