Hi XiangWei,

it is actually not intended to get access to the ExecutionGraph, because it
is a runtime component which does not make much sense to exist outside of
the JobManager. The RequestJob message is only a hack to make the
ExecutionGraph accessible to another actor running in the same ActorSystem.
This is the case for the WebRuntimeMonitor handlers. With Flip-6, we will
make the ExecutionGraph indirectly accessible by returning
an ArchivedExecutionGraph.


On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 2:47 PM, XiangWei Huang <xw.huang...@gmail.com>

> hi Till,
>    Sorry,I've made a mistake,i used 
> *StandaloneClusterClient*#*getJobManagerGateway
> *to get  *ActorGateway *to communicate with *JobManager *instead of using
> *JobMasterGateway*.
> Below is the code i executed for getting ExecuteGraph of a Job.
>     val flinkConfig = new Configuration()
>     val flinkCli = new StandaloneClusterClient(flinkConfig)
> *    val jobManagerGateWay = flinkCli.getJobManagerGateway*
>     val jobs = jobManagerGateWay.ask(RequestRunningJobsStatus,new
> FiniteDuration(10,TimeUnit.SECONDS)).asInstanceOf[Future[
> RunningJobsStatus]]
>     val jobsStatus = Await.result(jobs,new FiniteDuration(10,TimeUnit.
> SECONDS)).getStatusMessages().asScala.head
>     val jobId = jobsStatus.getJobId
>     val timeOut = new FiniteDuration(10,TimeUnit.SECONDS)
>     *val future = jobManagerGateWay.ask(RequestJob(jobId),timeOut)*
>     val result = Await.result(future,timeOut)
> JobManager threw NotSerializableException  when i executed this code. So i
> wonder how is this happened and is there another way to get a job's
> ExecutionGraph programmatically.
> Best,XiangWei
> 2017-11-07 17:16 GMT+08:00 Till Rohrmann <trohrm...@apache.org>:
>> Hi XiangWei,
>> how do you use the JobMasterGateway with the actor message RequestJob?
>> The JobMasterGateway is a Java interface and does not represent an
>> ActorCell to which you can send actor messages. Instead you should call
>> JobMasterGateway#requestArchivedExecutionGraph.
>> Cheers,
>> Till
>> ​
>> On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 9:58 AM, Fabian Hueske <fhue...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi XiangWei,
>>> I don't think this is a public interface, but Till (in CC) might know
>>> better.
>>> Best,
>>> Fabian
>>> 2017-11-06 3:27 GMT+01:00 XiangWei Huang <xw.huang...@gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi Flink users,
>>>> Flink Jobmanager throw a NotSerializableException when i used
>>>> JobMasterGateway to get ExecutionGraph of a specific job with
>>>> message *RequestJob(jobID). *Blow is the detail of Exception:
>>>> [ERROR] [akka.remote.EndpointWriter] - Transient association error 
>>>> (association remains live)java.io.NotSerializableException: 
>>>> org.apache.flink.runtime.executiongraph.ExecutionGraph
>>>>    at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject0(ObjectOutputStream.java:1184)
>>>>    at 
>>>> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.defaultWriteFields(ObjectOutputStream.java:1548)
>>>>    at 
>>>> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeSerialData(ObjectOutputStream.java:1509)
>>>>    at 
>>>> java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeOrdinaryObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:1432)
>>>>    at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject0(ObjectOutputStream.java:1178)
>>>>    at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject(ObjectOutputStream.java:348)
>>>>    at 
>>>> akka.serialization.JavaSerializer$$anonfun$toBinary$1.apply$mcV$sp(Serializer.scala:129)
>>>>    at 
>>>> akka.serialization.JavaSerializer$$anonfun$toBinary$1.apply(Serializer.scala:129)
>>>>    at 
>>>> akka.serialization.JavaSerializer$$anonfun$toBinary$1.apply(Serializer.scala:129)
>>>>    at scala.util.DynamicVariable.withValue(DynamicVariable.scala:58)
>>>>    at akka.serialization.JavaSerializer.toBinary(Serializer.scala:129)
>>>>    at akka.remote.MessageSerializer$.serialize(MessageSerializer.scala:36)
>>>>    at 
>>>> akka.remote.EndpointWriter$$anonfun$serializeMessage$1.apply(Endpoint.scala:875)
>>>>    at 
>>>> akka.remote.EndpointWriter$$anonfun$serializeMessage$1.apply(Endpoint.scala:875)
>>>>    at scala.util.DynamicVariable.withValue(DynamicVariable.scala:58)
>>>>    at akka.remote.EndpointWriter.serializeMessage(Endpoint.scala:874)
>>>>    at akka.remote.EndpointWriter.writeSend(Endpoint.scala:769)
>>>>    at akka.remote.EndpointWriter$$anonfun$4.applyOrElse(Endpoint.scala:744)
>>>>    at akka.actor.Actor$class.aroundReceive(Actor.scala:467)
>>>>    at akka.remote.EndpointActor.aroundReceive(Endpoint.scala:437)
>>>>    at akka.actor.ActorCell.receiveMessage(ActorCell.scala:516)
>>>>    at akka.actor.ActorCell.invoke(ActorCell.scala:487)
>>>>    at akka.dispatch.Mailbox.processMailbox(Mailbox.scala:238)
>>>>    at akka.dispatch.Mailbox.run(Mailbox.scala:220)
>>>>    at 
>>>> akka.dispatch.ForkJoinExecutorConfigurator$AkkaForkJoinTask.exec(AbstractDispatcher.scala:397)
>>>>    at scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinTask.doExec(ForkJoinTask.java:260)
>>>>    at 
>>>> scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.runTask(ForkJoinPool.java:1339)
>>>>    at 
>>>> scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool.runWorker(ForkJoinPool.java:1979)
>>>>    at 
>>>> scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinWorkerThread.run(ForkJoinWorkerThread.java:107)
>>>> So,is it a bug or the way to get job’s executionGraph is invalid.
>>>> Best,XiangWei

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