Hi Martin,

I will try to reply to your questions inline:

> On Nov 10, 2017, at 1:59 PM, Martin Eden <martineden...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Our team is looking at replacing Redis with Flink's own queryable state 
> mechanism. However our clients are using python.
> 1. Is there a python integration with the Flink queryable state mechanism?
> Cannot seem to be able to find one.

There is no Python API for queryable state. Currently only Java is supported.

> 2. If not, is it on the roadmap?

I am not aware of any efforts towards that direction, although there are 
discussions about porting queryable state to REST, so 
that more clients (in any language) can be written.
> 3. Our current solution is to write a Java RPC proxy and query that from 
> python. The whole point of using queryable state was to get rid of an extra 
> service (Redis) but now it seems we need to add another one. Is there an 
> easier way to call queryable state from Python without requiring an extra 
> service?

Unfortunately for now I am not aware of any easier way to do so.

> 4. Is queryable state used in production by anyone? Can anyone share numbers, 
> experiences, case studies?

Queryable state is currently under heavy development. So APIs may change and 
features may be added. 
For queryable state users, I would recommend checking out the talks in previous 
Flink Forward editions. They are all on-line. 

> 5. What is the direction that queryable state is going in for the next Flink 
> release? Features, api?

The next release is going to come soon (it is currently under testing), so you 
can already have a look on how Queryable State
is going to look like if you check out the current release-1.4 branch of Flink 
on GitHub.

> 6. Is the Flink queryable state going to be supported/developed going forward 
> with the advent of Pravega which has caching like capabilities as well?

For this I am cc’ing Stephan. Probably he is more informed.

Hope this helps,

> Thanks,
> M

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