Hi Gordon,

When I used FlinkKafkaConsumer010 to consume log from Kafka, I found that
if I used `setStartFromLatest()` the kafka consumer api didn't auto commit
offsets back to consumer group, but if I used `setStartFromGroupOffsets()`
it worked fine.

I am sure that the configuration for Kafka has `auto.commit.interval.ms =
5000` and `enable.auto.commit = true` and I didn't enable checkpointing.

All the difference is only the change from `setStartFromGroupOffsets()` to
`setStartFromLatest()`, but the auto commit mechanism just stopped working.

My Flink cluster version is 1.3.2.
My Kafka cluster version is
My Zookeeper version for Kafka is 3.4.6-1569965, built on 02/20/2014 09:09
My Kafka connector library is "org.apache.flink" %
"flink-connector-kafka-0.10_2.10" % "1.3.2"

Thanks for your help in advance.

Best Regards,
Tony Wei

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