Thanks, Timo.

Either<L, R> works for me.

On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 4:55 PM, Timo Walther <> wrote:

> Hi Shailesh,
> sharing state across operators is not possible. However, you could emit
> the state (or parts of it) as a stream element to downstream operators by
> having a function that emits a type like "Either<MyElement,List<MyState
> >>".
> Another option would be to use side outputs to send state to downstream
> operators [0].
> Maybe you can tell use a bit more about what you want to achieve?
> Regards,
> Timo
> [0]
> dev/stream/side_output.html
> Am 12/5/17 um 11:58 AM schrieb Shailesh Jain:
> Hi,
>> Is it possible to share state across operators in Flink?
>> I have CoFlatMap operator which maintains a ListState and returns a
>> DataStream. And downstream there is a KafkaSink operator for the same
>> DataStream which needs to access the ListState.
>> Thanks,
>> Shailesh

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