
OOMs from metaspace probably mean that your jars are not releasing some 

Regarding second issue (I guess it is probably somehow related to the first 
one). If it’s indeed a heap space OOM, it should be fairly easy to 
analyse/debug. This article describes how to track such issues, Especially 
chapter titled "Using Java VisualVM”:
It should allow you to pinpoint the owner and the source of the leak.


> On 12 Dec 2017, at 14:47, Javier Lopez <javier.lo...@zalando.de> wrote:
> Hi Piotr,
> We found out which one was the problem in the workers. After setting a value 
> for XX:MaxMetaspaceSize we started to get OOM exceptions from the metaspace. 
> We found out how Flink manages the User classes here 
> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.4/monitoring/debugging_classloading.htm
> <https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.4/monitoring/debugging_classloading.htm>l
>  and solved the problem by adding the job's jar file in the /lib of the nodes 
> (master and workers). Now we have a constant memory usage in the workers. 
> Unfortunately, we still have an OOM problem in the master node. We are using 
> the same configuration as in the workers (200MB for MaxMetaspace and 13000MB 
> for Heap) and after ~6000 jobs, the master runs out of memory. The metaspace 
> usage is almost constant, around 50MB and the heap usage grows up to 10000MB, 
> then GC does its work and reduces this usage. But we still have the OOM 
> problems. Do you have any other idea of what could cause this problem? Our 
> workaround is to restart the master, but we cannot keep doing this in the 
> long term.
> Thanks for all your support, it has been helpful.
> On 16 November 2017 at 15:27, Javier Lopez <javier.lo...@zalando.de 
> <mailto:javier.lo...@zalando.de>> wrote:
> Hi Piotr,
> Sorry for the late response, I'm out of the office and with limited access to 
> the Internet. I think we are on the right path to solve this problem. Some 
> time ago we did a memory analysis over 3 different cluster we are using, two 
> of them are running jobs 24/7 and the other is the one deploying thousands of 
> jobs. All of those clusters have the same behavior for arrays of Chars and 
> Bytes (as expected), but for this particular Class "java.lang.Class" the 
> clusters that have 24/7 jobs have less than 20K instances of that class, 
> whereas the other cluster has  383,120 
> instances. I don't know if this could be related.
> I hope that we can test this soon, and will let you know if this fixed the 
> problem.
> Thanks.
> On 15 November 2017 at 13:18, Piotr Nowojski <pi...@data-artisans.com 
> <mailto:pi...@data-artisans.com>> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been able to observe some off heap memory “issues” by submitting Kafka 
> job provided by Javier Lopez (in different mailing thread). 
> TL;DR;
> There was no memory leak, just memory pool “Metaspace” and “Compressed Class 
> Space” are growing in size over time and are only rarely garbage collected. 
> In my test case they together were wasting up to ~7GB of memory, while my 
> test case could use as little as ~100MB. Connect with for example jconsole to 
> your JVM, check their size and cut their size by half by setting:
> env.java.opts: -XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize=***M -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=***M
> In flink-conf.yaml. Everything works fine and memory consumption still too 
> high? Rinse and repeat.
> Long story:
> In default settings, with max heap size of 1GB, off heap memory consumption, 
> memory consumption off non-heap memory pools of “Metaspace” and “Compressed 
> Class Space” was growing in time which seemed like indefinitely, and 
> Metaspace was always around ~6 times larger compared to compressed class 
> space. Default max meatspace size is unlimited, while “Compressed class 
> space” has a default max size of 1GB. 
> When I decreased the CompressedClassSpaceSize down to 100MB, memory 
> consumption grew up to 90MB and then it started bouncing up and down by 
> couple of MB. “Metaspace” was following the same pattern, but using ~600MB. 
> When I decreased down MaxMetaspaceSize to 200MB, memory consumption of both 
> pools was bouncing around ~220MB.
> It seems like there are no general guide lines how to configure those values, 
> since it’s heavily application dependent. However this seems like the most 
> likely suspect of the apparent OFF HEAP “memory leak” that was reported 
> couple of times in use cases where users are submitting hundreds/thousands of 
> jobs to Flink cluster. For more information please check here:
> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/vm/gctuning/considerations.html
> <https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/vm/gctuning/considerations.html>
> Please let us know if this solves your issues.
> Thanks, Piotrek
>> On 13 Nov 2017, at 16:06, Flavio Pompermaier <pomperma...@okkam.it 
>> <mailto:pomperma...@okkam.it>> wrote:
>> Unfortunately the issue I've opened [1] was not a problem of Flink but was 
>> just caused by an ever increasing job plan.
>> So no help from that..Let's hope to find out the real source of the problem.
>> Maybe using  -Djdk.nio.maxCachedBufferSize could help (but I didn't try it 
>> yet)
>> Best,
>> Flavio
>> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-7845 
>> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-7845>
>> On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 2:07 PM, Kien Truong <duckientru...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:duckientru...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We saw a similar issue in one of our job due to ByteBuffer memory leak[1]. 
>> We fixed it using the solution in the article, setting 
>> -Djdk.nio.maxCachedBufferSize
>> This variable is available for Java > 8u102
>> Best regards,
>> Kien
>> [1]http://www.evanjones.ca/java-bytebuffer-leak.html 
>> <http://www.evanjones.ca/java-bytebuffer-leak.html>
>> On 10/18/2017 4:06 PM, Flavio Pompermaier wrote:
>>> We also faced the same problem, but the number of jobs we can run before 
>>> restarting the cluster depends on the volume of the data to shuffle around 
>>> the network. We even had problems with a single job and in order to avoid 
>>> OOM issues we had to put some configuration to limit Netty memory usage, 
>>> i.e.:
>>>  - Add to flink.yaml -> env.java.opts: 
>>> -Dio.netty.recycler.maxCapacity.default=1
>>>  - Edit taskmanager.sh and change TM_MAX_OFFHEAP_SIZE from 8388607T to 5g
>>> At this purpose we wrote a small test to reproduce the problem and we 
>>> opened an issue for that [1].
>>> We still don't know if the problems are related however..
>>> I hope that could be helpful,
>>> Flavio
>>> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-7845 
>>> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-7845>
>>> On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 10:48 AM, Javier Lopez <javier.lo...@zalando.de 
>>> <mailto:javier.lo...@zalando.de>> wrote:
>>> Hi Robert,
>>> Sorry to reply this late. We did a lot of tests, trying to identify if the 
>>> problem was in our custom sources/sinks. We figured out that none of our 
>>> custom components is causing this problem. We came up with a small test, 
>>> and realized that the Flink nodes run out of non-heap JVM memory and crash 
>>> after deployment of thousands of jobs. 
>>> When rapidly deploying thousands or hundreds of thousands of Flink jobs - 
>>> depending on job complexity in terms of resource consumption - Flink nodes 
>>> non-heap JVM memory consumption grows until there is no more memory left on 
>>> the machine and the Flink process crashes. Both TaskManagers and JobManager 
>>> exhibit the same behavior. The TaskManagers die faster though. The memory 
>>> consumption doesn't decrease after stopping the deployment of new jobs, 
>>> with the cluster being idle (no running jobs). 
>>> We could replicate the behavior by the rapid deployment of the WordCount 
>>> Job provided in the Quickstart with a Python script.  We started 24 
>>> instances of the deployment script to run in parallel.
>>> The non-heap JVM memory consumption grows faster with more complex jobs, 
>>> i.e. reading from Kafka 10K events and printing to STDOUT( * ). Thus less 
>>> deployed jobs are needed until the TaskManagers/JobManager dies.
>>> We employ Flink 1.3.2 in standalone mode on AWS EC2 t2.large nodes with 4GB 
>>> RAM inside Docker containers. For the test, we used 2 TaskManagers and 1 
>>> JobManager.
>>> ( * ) a slightly changed Python script was used, which waited after 
>>> deployment 15 seconds for the 10K events to be read from Kafka, then it 
>>> canceled the freshly deployed job via Flink REST API.
>>> If you want we can provide the Scripts and Jobs we used for this test. We 
>>> have a workaround for this, which restarts the Flink nodes once a memory 
>>> threshold is reached. But this has lowered the availability of our services.
>>> Thanks for your help.
>>> On 30 August 2017 at 10:39, Robert Metzger <rmetz...@apache.org 
>>> <mailto:rmetz...@apache.org>> wrote:
>>> I just saw that your other email is about the same issue.
>>> Since you've done a heapdump already, did you see any pattern in the 
>>> allocated objects? Ideally none of the classes from your user code should 
>>> stick around when no job is running.
>>> What's the size of the heap dump? I'm happy to take a look at it if it's 
>>> reasonably small.
>>> On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 10:27 AM, Robert Metzger <rmetz...@apache.org 
>>> <mailto:rmetz...@apache.org>> wrote:
>>> Hi Javier,
>>> I'm not aware of such issues with Flink, but if you could give us some more 
>>> details on your setup, I might get some more ideas on what to look for.
>>> are you using the RocksDBStateBackend? (RocksDB is doing some JNI 
>>> allocations, that could potentially leak memory)
>>> Also, are you passing any special garbage collector options? (Maybe some 
>>> classes are not unloaded)
>>> Are you using anything else that is special (such as protobuf or avro 
>>> formats, or any other big library)?
>>> Regards,
>>> Robert
>>> On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 5:04 PM, Javier Lopez <javier.lo...@zalando.de 
>>> <mailto:javier.lo...@zalando.de>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> we are starting a lot of Flink jobs (streaming), and after we have started 
>>> 200 or more jobs we see that the non-heap memory in the taskmanagers 
>>> increases a lot, to the point of killing the instances. We found out that 
>>> every time we start a new job, the committed non-heap memory increases by 5 
>>> to 10MB. Is this an expected behavior? Are there ways to prevent this?
>> -- 
>> Flavio Pompermaier
>> Development Department
>> OKKAM S.r.l.
>> Tel. +(39) 0461 041809 <tel:+39%200461%20041809>

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