I am re-upping this thread now that FlinkKafkaProducer011 is out.  The new
producer, when used with the exactly once semantics, has the rather
troublesome behavior that it will fallback to at-most-once, rather than
at-least-once, if the job is down for longer than the Kafka broker's
transaction.max.timeout.ms setting.

In situations that require extended maintenance downtime, this behavior is
nearly certain to lead to message loss, as a canceling a job while taking a
savepoint will not wait for the Kafka transactions to bet committed and is
not atomic.

So it seems like there is a need for an atomic stop or cancel with
savepoint that waits for transactional sinks to commit and then immediately
stop any further message processing.

On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 4:46 AM, Piotr Nowojski <pi...@data-artisans.com>

> I would propose implementations of NewSource to be not
> blocking/asynchronous. For example something like
> public abstract Future<T> getCurrent();
> Which would allow us to perform some certain actions while there are no
> data available to process (for example flush output buffers). Something
> like this came up recently when we were discussing possible future changes
> in the network stack. It wouldn’t complicate API by a lot, since default
> implementation could just:
> public Future<T> getCurrent() {
>   return completedFuture(getCurrentBlocking());
> }
> Another thing to consider is maybe we would like to leave the door open
> for fetching records in some batches from the source’s input buffers?
> Source function (like Kafka) have some internal buffers and it would be
> more efficient to read all/deserialise all data present in the input buffer
> at once, instead of paying synchronisation/calling virtual method/etc costs
> once per each record.
> Piotrek
> On 22 Sep 2017, at 11:13, Aljoscha Krettek <aljos...@apache.org> wrote:
> @Eron Yes, that would be the difference in characterisation. I think
> technically all sources could be transformed by that by pushing data into a
> (blocking) queue and having the "getElement()" method pull from that.
> On 15. Sep 2017, at 20:17, Elias Levy <fearsome.lucid...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 10:02 AM, Eron Wright <eronwri...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Aljoscha, would it be correct to characterize your idea as a 'pull'
>> source rather than the current 'push'?  It would be interesting to look at
>> the existing connectors to see how hard it would be to reverse their
>> orientation.   e.g. the source might require a buffer pool.
> The Kafka client works that way.  As does the QueueingConsumer used by the
> RabbitMQ source.  The Kinesis and NiFi sources also seems to poll. Those
> are all the bundled sources.

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