
I'm facing issues with frequent young generation garbage collections in my
task manager which happens approximately every few seconds. I have 3 task
managers with 12GB heap allocated on each and I have set the config to use
G1GC. My program ingests binary data from kafka source and the message rate
is around 4.5k msgs/sec with around 400 bytes per msg.  Below are the
operators used in the program.

kafka src -> keyby -> CoProcess -> keyby -> Tumbling Window (5secs) ->
FlatMap -> Sink

I captured the below histograms at 5 second intervals and analyzed the heap
as well. It looks like a lot InternalTimer and TimeWindow objects are

Also, I see a high usage in

*Window code:*
dataStream.keyBy(new MessageKeySelector())
                    .apply(new Aggregate());

*Captured at time T:*

 num     #instances         #bytes  class name
   1:       2074427      481933816  [B
   2:        357192      339368592  [D
   3:      12759222      204147552  java.lang.Integer
   4:         31416       85151832  [I
   5:        900982       83872240  [C
   6:        631888       20220416  java.util.HashMap$Node
   7:        804203       19300872  java.lang.String
   8:        541651       17332832
   9:        540252       17288064

*Captured at T1 (T + 5 seconds):*

 num     #instances         #bytes  class name
   1:      12084258     2282849264  [B
   2:       1922018     1828760896  [D
   3:      68261427     1092182832  java.lang.Integer
   4:       2712099      291488736  [C
   5:         54201       98798976  [I
   6:       2028250       48678000  java.lang.String
   7:         66080       43528136  [[B
   8:       1401915       35580168  [Ljava.lang.Object;
   9:        949062       30369984  java.util.HashMap$Node
  10:        570832       18266624
  11:        549979       17599328

*Captured at T2 (T1+ 5 seconds):*

 num     #instances         #bytes  class name
   1:       9911982     2920384472  [B
   2:       1584406     1510958520  [D
   3:      56087337      897397392  java.lang.Integer
   4:      26080337      834570784  java.util.HashMap$Node
   5:      25756748      824215936
   6:      25740086      823682752


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