With a local run of Flink 1.4.0, ElasticsearchSink fails for me with a local run of Elasticsearch 5.6.4 and 5.2.1, while the same code (with adjusted versions of dependencies) works fine with Elasticsearch 2.x (tried 2.4.6).
I get:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkProcessor.add(Lorg/elasticsearch/action/ActionRequest;)Lorg/elasticsearch/action/bulk/BulkProcessor
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkProcessor.add(Lorg/elasticsearch/action/ActionRequest;)Lorg/elasticsearch/action/bulk/BulkProcessor
(env: Mac OSX 10.13.2, oracle jdk 1.8.0_112)
Now, this looks similar to the issue referred in
which points to
"Flink Elasticsearch 5 connector is not compatible with Elasticsearch 5.2+ client"
Side-remark: when trying with Elasticsearch 5.6.4 via a docker container, for some reason the error I get is different: "RuntimeException: Client is not connected to any Elasticsearch nodes!" (while Elasticsearch 2.4.6 works fine via docker too).
FLINK-7386 being pending since August 2017, would it mean that there is nowadays still no way to make Flink 1.4.0's sink work with Elasticsearch 5.2+? My use-case involves Compose for Elasticsearch 5.6.3, shared by different apps, and I can't really downgrade its Elasticsearch version.
Or would there be signs it will be fixed in Flink 1.5.0?
Any lights welcome.
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