Hi Christophe, You can set the parallelism of the FlinkKafkaConsumer independently of the total number of Kafka partitions (across all subscribed streams, including newly created streams that match a subscribed pattern).
The consumer deterministically assigns each partition to a single consumer subtask, in a round-robin fashion. E.g. if the parallelism of your FlinkKafkaConsumer is 2, and there is 6 partitions, each consumer subtask will be assigned 3 partitions. As for topic pattern subscription, FlinkKafkaConsumers starting from version 1.4.0 support this feature. You can take a look at [1] on how to do that. Hope this helps! Cheers, Gordon [1] https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.4/dev/connectors/kafka.html#kafka-consumers-topic-and-partition-discovery On 3 February 2018 at 6:53:47 PM, Christophe Jolif (cjo...@gmail.com) wrote: Hi, If I'm sourcing from a KafkaConsumer do I have to explicitly set the Flink job parallelism to the number of partions or will it adjust automatically accordingly? In other word if I don't call setParallelism will get 1 or the number of partitions? The reason I'm asking is that I'm listening to a topic pattern not a single topic and the number of actual topic (and so partitions) behind the pattern can change so it is not possible to know ahead ot time how many partitions I will get. Thanks! -- Christophe