Hi Tony,

not having a proper equals() method might work for a keyBy() (partitioning operation) but it can lead to unexpected side effects when dealing with state. If not now, then maybe in the future. For example, heap-based state uses a hash table data structures such that your key might never be found again. I would recommend to wrap your POJO into another class that implements a proper hashCode/equals.


Am 2/6/18 um 4:16 AM schrieb Tony Wei:
Hi all,

I have defined a POJO class that override Object#hashCode and used it in keyBy(). The pipeline looks good (i.e. no exception that told me it is UNSUPPORTED key types), but I'm afraid that it will leads to a problem that elements that I think have the same key will not get the same state because I didn't override Object#equals.

Is it necessary that POJO key type overrides Object#equals? Or PojoTypeInfo didn't rely on MyClass#equals? Or keyBy() didn't rely on equals?

Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
Tony Wei

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