Hi Esa,

I think the best place to start is the documentation available at the flink 

Some pointers are the following: 

CEP documentation: 

Blog post with CEP example: 


> On Feb 8, 2018, at 4:28 PM, Esa Heikkinen <esa.heikki...@student.tut.fi> 
> wrote:
> Hi
> I have cvs-file(s) that contain an event in every row and first column is 
> time stamp of event. Rest of columns are data and “attributes” of event.
> I’d want to write simple Scala code that: 1) reads data of csv-file 2) 
> converts data of csv-file compatible for CEP 3) sets pattern for CEP 4) Runs 
> CEP  5) writes results
> Do you have any hints or examples how to do that ?
> By the way, what kind of time stamp should be in csv-file ?

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