Hi Till,

Thanks for the quick reply, I'm using 1.3.2 atm.


On Feb 19, 2018 19:10, "Till Rohrmann" <trohrm...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Niels,
> which version of Flink are you using? Currently, Flink does not support to
> upgrade the TypeSerializer itself, if I'm not mistaken. As you've
> described, it will try to use the old serializer stored in the checkpoint
> stream to restore state.
> I've pulled Gordon into the conversation who can tell you a little bit
> more about the current capability and limitations of state evolution.
> Cheers,
> Till
> On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 4:14 PM, Niels <[hidden email]
> <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=18437&i=0>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm currently trying to use Avro in order to evolve our data present in
>> Flink's Managed State. I've extended the TypeSerializer class successfully
>> for this purpose, but still have issues using Schema Evolution.
>> *The problem:*
>> When we try to read data (deserialize from savepoint) with a new
>> serialiser
>> and a new schema, Flink seems to use the old schema of the old serializer
>> (written to the savepoint). This results in an old GenericRecord that
>> doesn't adhere to the new Avro schema.
>> *What seems to happen to me is the following* (Say we evolve from dataV1
>> to
>> dataV2):
>> - State containing dataV1 is serialized with avro schema V1 to a
>> check/savepoint. Along with the data, the serializer itself is written.
>> - Upon restore, the old serializer is retrieved from the data (therefore
>> needs to be on the classpath). Data is restored using this old serializer.
>> The new serializer provided is only used for writes.
>> If this is indeed the case it explains our aforementioned problem. If you
>> have any pointers as to whether this is true and what a possible solution
>> would be that would be very much appreciated!
>> Thanks!
>> Niels
>> --
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