Hi guys,

I know there is FlinkML to do some machine learning with Flink but it works
on DataSet and not on DataStream, there is also SAMOA which can run on
Flink but I find it a bit too complicated.

I wanted to see if it would be easy to plug directly MOA on Flink and tried
to present it in the DataKRK meetup, but I didn't have time at the end of
the presentation... Nevertheless I spent a bit of time plugging Flink and
MOA and I thought it might be worth sharing it in case it would be
interesting for someone. I also take this opportunity to get some feedback
on it from people in the Flink community if they have a bit of time to
review it.

Here is the code:

Many Flink methods were very convenient to plug these 2 tools :-)

Keep the good work!

PS: if some people are in bigdatatechwarsaw and interested, we can discuss
tomorrow :-)

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