Yes i have looked. For example, if i want to compile and run StreamTableExample.scala from:

I have taken all examples (and also latest Flink at same time) to my Linux from git.

Where directory should i be in for compiling and running StreamTableExample in command line ? flink-examples-table ?

What is the command for compiling ? mvn clean install -Pbuild-jar ?

What is the command running the StreamTableExample ? /<path to flink bin>/flink run -c org.apache.flink.table.examples.scala.StreamTableExample target/flink-examples-table_2.1-1.5-SNAPSHOT.jar ?

This does not work because of error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:...

BR Esa

Fabian Hueske kirjoitti 23.2.2018 klo 15:07:
Have you had a look at the examples? [1]
They can be run out of the IDE.



2018-02-23 13:30 GMT+01:00 Esa Heikkinen < <>>:

    I have lot of difficulties to deploy Flink. That is maybe because
    I am new with Flink and its (Java and Maven) development
    environment, but Iwould hear the opinions of others. I would like
    to use Scala.

    There are many examples, but often there are missing “imports” and
    settings in pom.xml. It seem to be very hard to job to find
    correct ones. Maybe use of IDE (IntelliJ IDEA) is almost mandatory
    and it helps to find “imports”, but it does not find all of them.

    Generally you have to do and study a lot of basic work before you
    get into the actual thing ?

    If there is a ready example (with source code) that is enough
    close to what you want, it is much easier to deploy. But if not,
    it can be a surprisingly difficult and time-consuming task.
    Because the documentation seem to be partially incomplete, it is
    often necessary to “google” and query the mailing list.

    Or have I misunderstand something or I can not use Flink correctly
    (yet) ?

    Features of Flink are so good that I would want to learn to use it.

    Best Regards


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