I found the following documentation in the code:

Simple failover strategy that restarts each task individually.
 * This strategy is only applicable if the entire job consists unconnected
 * tasks, meaning each task is its own component.

 A failover strategy that restarts regions of the ExecutionGraph. A region
is defined
  * by this strategy as the weakly connected component of tasks that
communicate via pipelined
  * data exchange.

Can someone please explain to me the  IndividualStrategy (entire job
consists unconnected tasks) & PipelinedRegionStrategy( weakly connected
component of tasks that communicate via pipelined data exchange) with an
example ?


On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 3:16 PM Vijay Balakrishnan <bvija...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I have been going through the book "Real time streaming with Apache
> Flink".
> How do I recover state for just a single node/slot in a TaskManager
> without having the recovery reset the application state for all the Task
> Managers ?
> They mention the following:
> *Reset the state of the whole application to the latest checkpoint, i.e.,
> resetting the state of each task. The JobManager provides the location to
> the most recent checkpoints of task state. Note that, depending on the
> topology of the application, certain optimizations are possible and not all
> tasks need to be reset.*
> TIA,
> Vijay
> Flink newbie.

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