Can you share the app source on gitlab, github or bitbucket etc? 

> On 16. Jun 2018, at 11:46, Siew Wai Yow <> wrote:
> Hi, There is an interesting finding, the reason of low parallelism work much 
> better is because all task being run in same TM, once we scale more, the task 
> is distributed to different TM and the performance worse than the low 
> parallelism case. Is this something expected? The more I scale the less I get?
> From: Siew Wai Yow <>
> Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2018 5:09 PM
> To: Jörn Franke
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Flink application does not scale as expected, please help!
> Hi Jorn, the input data is 1kb per record, in production it will have 10 
> billions of record per day and it will be increased so scalability is quite 
> important to us to handle more data. Unfortunately this is not work as 
> expected even with only 10 millions of testing data. The test application is 
> just a simple jackson map + an empty process. CPU and memory is not an issue 
> as we have 32 vCPU + 100 GB RAM per TM. Network should be fine as well as 
> total TX+RX peak is around 800Mbps while we have 1000Mbps. Do you mind to 
> share your thought? Or mind to test the attach application in your lab?
> To run the program, sample parameters,
> "aggrinterval=6000000 loop=7500000 statsd=1 psrc=4 pJ2R=32 pAggr=72 
> aggrinterval: time in ms for timer to trigger
> loop: how many row of data to feed
> statsd: to send result to statsd
> psrc: source parallelism
> pJ2R: parallelism of map operator(JsonRecTranslator)
> pAggr: parallelism of process+timer operator(AggregationDuration)
> Thank you!
> Yow
> From: Jörn Franke <>
> Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2018 4:46 PM
> To: Siew Wai Yow
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Flink application does not scale as expected, please help!
> How large is the input data? If the input data is very small then it does not 
> make sense to scale it even more. The larger the data is the more parallelism 
> you will have. You can modify this behavior of course by changing the 
> partition on the Dataset.
> On 16. Jun 2018, at 10:41, Siew Wai Yow <> wrote:
>> Hi, 
>> We found that our Flink application with simple logic, which using process 
>> function is not scale-able when scale from 8 parallelism onward even though 
>> with sufficient resources. Below it the result which is capped at ~250k TPS. 
>> No matter how we tune the parallelism of the operators it just not scale, 
>> same to increase source parallelism.
>> Please refer to "scaleNotWork.png",
>> 1. fixed source parallelism 4, other operators parallelism 8
>> 2. fixed source parallelism 4, other operators parallelism 16
>> 3. fixed source parallelism 4, other operators parallelism 32
>> 4. fixed source parallelism 6, other operators parallelism 8
>> 5. fixed source parallelism 6, other operators parallelism 16
>> 6. fixed source parallelism 6, other operators parallelism 32
>> 7. fixed source parallelism 6, other operators parallelism 64 performance 
>> worse than parallelism 32.
>> Sample source code attached( It is a simple 
>> program, parsing json record into object, and pass it to a empty logic 
>> Flink's process function. Rocksdb is in used, and the source is generated by 
>> the program itself. This could be reproduce easily. 
>> We choose Flink because of it scalability, but this is not the case now, 
>> appreciated if anyone could help as this is impacting our projects! thank 
>> you.
>> To run the program, sample parameters,
>> "aggrinterval=6000000 loop=7500000 statsd=1 psrc=4 pJ2R=32 pAggr=72 
>> aggrinterval: time in ms for timer to trigger
>> loop: how many row of data to feed
>> statsd: to send result to statsd
>> psrc: source parallelism
>> pJ2R: parallelism of map operator(JsonRecTranslator)
>> pAggr: parallelism of process+timer operator(AggregationDuration)
>> We are running in VMWare, 5 Task Managers and each has 32 slots.
>> Architecture: x86_64
>> CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit
>> Byte Order: Little Endian
>> CPU(s): 32
>> On-line CPU(s) list: 0-31
>> Thread(s) per core: 1
>> Core(s) per socket: 1
>> Socket(s): 32
>> NUMA node(s): 1
>> Vendor ID: GenuineIntel
>> CPU family: 6
>> Model: 63
>> Model name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2640 v3 @ 2.60GHz
>> Stepping: 2
>> CPU MHz: 2593.993
>> BogoMIPS: 5187.98
>> Hypervisor vendor: VMware
>> Virtualization type: full
>> L1d cache: 32K
>> L1i cache: 32K
>> L2 cache: 256K
>> L3 cache: 20480K
>> NUMA node0 CPU(s): 0-31
>> Flags: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat 
>> pse36 clflush dts mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm 
>> constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts nopl xtopology tsc_reliable nonstop_tsc 
>> aperfmperf pni pclmulqdq ssse3 fma cx16 pcid  sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic movbe 
>> popcnt aes xsave avx f16c rdrand hypervisor lahf_lm epb fsgsbase smep dtherm 
>> ida arat pln pts
>> total used free shared buff/cache available
>> Mem: 98 24 72 0 1 72
>> Swap: 3 0 3
>> Please refer TM.png and JM.png for further details.
>> The test without any checkpoint enable.
>> Thanks. 
>> Regards,
>> Yow
>> <>
>> <JM.png>
>> <sample.png>
>> <scaleNotWork.png>
>> <TM.png>

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