
We are planning a system that will be comprised of 3 different jobs:

  1.  Getting a stream of events, adding some metadata to the events, and 
outputting them to a temporary message queue.
  2.  Performing some calculations on the events we got from job 1, as required 
for product A.
  3.  Performing a different set of calculations of the events from job 1, for 
product B.

All 3 jobs will be developed by different teams, so we don't want to create one 
massive job that does everything.
The problem is that every message queuing sink only provides at-least-once 
guarantee. If job 1 crashes and recovers, we will get the same events in the 
queue and jobs 2 and 3 will process events twice. This is obviously a problem, 
and I guess we are not the first to stumble upon it.

Did anyone else had this issue? It seems to me like a fundamental problem of 
passing data between jobs, so hopefully there are known solutions and best 
practices. It would be great if you can share any solution.


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