Hello User Community!

I am running some streaming SQL that involves a union all into an over
window similar to the below:

SELECT user_id, count(action) OVER (PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY rowtime
RANGE INTERVAL '14' DAY PRECEDING) action_count, rowtime
    (SELECT rowtime, user_id, thing as action FROM user_things
     UNION ALL SELECT rowtime, user_id, stuff as action FROM user_stuff)

The SQL generates three operators. There are two operators that process the
'from' part of the clause that feed into an 'over' operator. I notice that
messages flow into the 'over' operator and just buffer there for a long
time (hours in some cases). Eventually something happens and the data
starts to flush through to the downstream operators. Can anyone help me
understand what is causing that behavior? I want the data to flow through
more consistently.


*Gregory Fee*
425.830.4734 <+14258304734>
[image: Lyft] <http://www.lyft.com>

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