Hi Tovi,

you can define hard host attribute constraints for the TaskManagers. See
the configuration section [1] for more information.

If you want to run the JobManager/cluster entry point on Mesos as well,
then I recommend starting it with Marathon [2]. This will also give you HA
for the master process. I assume that you can provide Marathon with similar
constraints in order to control which Mesos task to allocate for the
JobManager/cluster entry point process.



On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 9:09 PM Sofer, Tovi <tovi.so...@citi.com> wrote:

> To add one thing to Mesos question-
> My assumption that  constraints on JobManager  can work, is based on the
> sentence from link bleow
> “When running Flink with Marathon, the whole Flink cluster including the
> job manager will be run as Mesos tasks in the Mesos cluster.”
> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.5/ops/deployment/mesos.html
> [Not sure this is accurate, since it seems to contradict the image in link
> below
> https://mesosphere.com/blog/apache-flink-on-dcos-and-apache-mesos ]
> *From:* Sofer, Tovi [ICG-IT]
> *Sent:* יום ג 10 יולי 2018 20:04
> *To:* 'Till Rohrmann' <trohrm...@apache.org>; user <user@flink.apache.org>
> *Cc:* Gardi, Hila [ICG-IT] <hg11...@imceu.eu.ssmb.com>
> *Subject:* RE: high availability with automated disaster recovery using
> zookeeper
> Hi Till, group,
> Thank you for your response.
> After reading further online on Mesos – Can’t Mesos fill the requirement
> of running job manager in primary server?
> By using: “constraints”: [[“datacenter”, “CLUSTER”, “main”]]
> (See
> http://www.stratio.com/blog/mesos-multi-data-center-architecture-for-disaster-recovery/
> )
> Is this supported by Flink cluster on Mesos ?
> Thanks again
> Tovi
> *From:* Till Rohrmann <trohrm...@apache.org>
> *Sent:* יום ג 10 יולי 2018 10:11
> *To:* Sofer, Tovi [ICG-IT] <ts72...@imceu.eu.ssmb.com>
> *Cc:* user <user@flink.apache.org>
> *Subject:* Re: high availability with automated disaster recovery using
> zookeeper
> Hi Tovi,
> that is an interesting use case you are describing here. I think, however,
> it depends mainly on the capabilities of ZooKeeper to produce the intended
> behavior. Flink itself relies on ZooKeeper for leader election in HA mode
> but does not expose any means to influence the leader election process. To
> be more precise ZK is used as a blackbox which simply tells a JobManager
> that it is now the leader, independent of any data center preferences. I'm
> not sure whether it is possible to tell ZooKeeper about these preferences.
> If not, then an alternative could be to implement one's own high
> availability services which does that at the moment.
> Cheers,
> Till
> On Mon, Jul 9, 2018 at 1:48 PM Sofer, Tovi <tovi.so...@citi.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We are now examining how to achieve high availability for Flink, and to
> support also automatic recovery in disaster scenario- when all DC goes down.
> We have DC1 which we usually want work to be done, and DC2 – which is more
> remote and we want work to go there only when DC1 is down.
> We examined few options and would be glad to hear feedback a suggestion
> for another way to achieve this.
> ·         Two zookeeper separate zookeeper and flink clusters on the two
> data centers.
> Only the cluster on DC1 are running, and state is copied to DC2 in offline
> process.
> To achieve automatic recovery we need to use some king of watch dog which
> will check DC1 availability , and if it is down will start DC2 (and same
> later if DC2 is down).
> Is there recommended tool for this?
> ·         Zookeeper “stretch cluster” cross data centers – with 2 nodes
> on DC1, 2 nodes on DC2 and one observer node.
> Also flink cluster jobmabnager1 on DC1 and jobmanager2 on DC2.
> This way when DC1 is down, zookeeper will notice this automatically and
> will transfer work to jobmanager2 on DC2.
> However we would like zookeeper leader, and flink jobmanager leader
> (primary one) to be from DC1 – unless it is down.
> Is there a way to achieve this?
> Thanks and regards,
> [image: citi_logo_mail]
> *Tovi Sofer*
> Software Engineer
> +972 (3) 7405756
> [image: Mail_signature_blue]

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