To Gordon:
+1 for your efforts, considering ElasticSearch is a very popular full-text
search and analysis engine. If it could be merged into 1.6 version, that
would be very good to the community.

Thanks, vino.

2018-07-18 17:42 GMT+08:00 Tzu-Li (Gordon) Tai <>:

> Hi Miki,
> The latest stable version of the Elasticsearch connector, as of Flink
> 1.5.x, is Elasticsearch 5.x.
> As for Elasticsearch 6.x, there has been some PRs that has been open for a
> while and have already been discussed quite thoroughly [1] [2].
> Till and I have talked about merging these for 1.6 (this normally should
> not occur since we’re already past the feature freeze for 1.6), and we’ve
> agreed to try to do that.
> Cheers,
> Gordon
> [1]
> [2]
> On 16 July 2018 at 11:25:14 PM, vino yang ( wrote:
> Hi miki,
> Flink does not provide a connector for ElasticSearch 6 yet. There is this
> JIRA issue to track the development progress [1]. Based on the issues's
> status, it is in progress.
> Flink's documentation about the elasticsearch connector is right, current
> stable version is 5.x. And the maven repository dependency you provided
> does not mean flink depends on elasticsearch 6.3.1, which means the
> elasticsearch's latest version in maven repository.
> Thanks.
> vino.
> [1]
> 2018-07-16 19:05 GMT+08:00 miki haiat <>:
>> HI ,
>> I just wondered what is to status of  the 6.3.x  elastic connector.
>> flink-connector-elasticsearch-base_2.11
>> <>
>> has elastic 6.3.1 dependencies .
>> Documentation mention 5.3 as the stable version  elasticsearch.html
>> <>
>> What is the latest stable version of the elasitc connector .
>> Miki

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