Hello Fabian, and all,

Please excuse me for digging this old thread up.
I have a question regarding sending of the "barrier" messages in Flink's
checkpointing mechanism: I want to know when those barrier messages are sent
when I am using a file source. Where can I find it in the source code?

I'm still with my 20,000 small files issue, when I have all those 20000
files appear to the ContinuousFileMonitorfingFunction at the same time.
It is taking only a few seconds to list all those files, but it is expected
to take about 5 minutes have those 20K files processed till my sink.
Due to some resources limitation issue, my job fails after about 3 minutes.
And what is happening after that is the job crashes, gets restored, tries to
process all 20K files from file 1 again, and ultimately fails again after 3
minutes,... It goes into an indefinite loop.

I think that this is the expected behaviour, as my current checkpoint config
is to checkpoint every 10s, and it took only a second or two for the listing
of those 20K files. Am I correct here? And do we have a solution for this?

Thanks and best regards,

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