I'm having a problem with querying state on Flink 1.6.

I put a project in Github that is my best representation of the very simple
client example outlined in the 'querying state' section of the 1.6
documentation at
. The Github project is at https://github.com/jolson787/qs

My problem: I know the query server and proxy server have started on my 1
job manager / 1 task manager Flink 1.6 test rig, because I see the 'Started
Queryable State Server' and 'Started Queryable State Proxy Server' in the
task manager logs. I know the ports are open on the local machine, because
I can telnet to them.

>From a remote machine, I implemented the QueryableStateClient as in the
example, and made a getKVState call. Nothing I seem to do between that or
the getKVstate call seems to register...no response, no errors thrown, no
lines in the log, no returned futures, no timeouts, etc. I know the proxy
server and state server ports are NOT open to the remote machine, yet the
client still doesn't seem to react.

Can someone take a quick look at my very simple Github project and see if
anything jumps out at them? Beer is on me at Flink Forward if someone can
help me work through this....

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