
We have a Flink pipeline where we are windowing our data after a keyBy. i.e.

I have two questions about the above line of code:
1) Does the state in the process window function qualify as KeyedState or
OperatorState? If operator state, can we access KeyedState from the Process
Window function?
2) We also have certain reference information that we want to share across
all keys in the process window function. We are currently storing all that
info in a Guava cache. We want to be able to rehydrate the guava cache at
the beginning of each window by making an external rest call and clear the
cache at the end of that respective window. How can we enforce this
behaviour in Flink? Do I need to use a timerservice for this where the
callback will be a window.maxtimestamp() or just clearing the cache in the
clear method will do the trick?


*Regards,Harshvardhan Agrawal*

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