Dear community,

this is the weekly community update thread #43. Please post any news and
updates you want to share with the community to this thread.

# Release vote for Flink 1.5.5 and 1.6.2

The community is currently voting on the first release candidates for Flink
1.5.5 [1] and Flink 1.6.2 [2]. It would be tremendously helpful if you
could try the RC out to report any problems.

# Discussion how to improve broadcast serialization

Zhijiang and Piotr are discussing how to improve Flink's broadcast logic by
reducing the serialization overhead. Join the discussion here [3].

# Enable slot resource profile logic for resource management

Tony started a discussion to make the resource profile logic finally work
[4]. The ResourceProfiles are intended to specify the resource requirements
per operator. This would allow the Flink scheduler to better match slots
which have certain resources assigned with the requirements of operators.

# Feature freeze Flink 1.7

The Flink community is finalizing the last set of features for the upcoming
next major Flink release 1.7. Expect that this work will be finished by the
end of this week so that we can cut the release branch and freeze features
for this release.



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