I think it is probably related with rockdb memory usage if you have not found 
OutOfMemory issue before.

There already existed a jira ticket [1] for fixing this issue, and you can 
watch it for updates. :)

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-10884

发件人:Gagan Agrawal <agrawalga...@gmail.com>
发送时间:2018年11月24日(星期六) 14:14
收件人:user <user@flink.apache.org>
主 题:Flink job failing due to "Container is running beyond physical memory 
limits" error.

I am running flink job on yarn where it ran fine so far (4-5 days) and have now 
started failing with following errors.

2018-11-24 03:46:21,029 INFO  org.apache.flink.yarn.YarnResourceManager         
            - Closing TaskExecutor connection 
container_1542008917197_0038_01_000006 because: Container 
[pid=18380,containerID=container_1542008917197_0038_01_000006] is running 
beyond physical memory limits. Current usage: 3.0 GB of 3 GB physical memory 
used; 5.0 GB of 15 GB virtual memory used. Killing container.

This is simple job where we are reading 2 Avro streams from Kafka and applying 
some custom UDF after creating keyed stream from union on those 2 streams and 
writing back output to Kafka. Udf internally uses Map State with RocksDB 
backend. Currently size of checkpoint is around 300 GB and we are running this 
with 10 task manager with 3 GB memory each. I have also set 
"containerized.heap-cutoff-ratio: 0.5" but still facing same issue. Flink 
version is 1.6.2

Here is the flink command
./bin/flink run -m yarn-cluster -yd -yn 10 -ytm 3072 -ys 4 job.jar

I want to understand what are typical reasons for this issue? Also why would 
flink consume more memory than allocated as JVM memory is fixed and will not 
grow beyond max heap. Can this be something related to RocksDB where it may be 
consuming memory outside heap and hence over using defined limits? I didn't 
find this issue when checkpoint size was small (<50 GB). But ever since we are 
now at 300GB size, this issue is coming frequently. I can try increasing 
memory, but I am still interested in knowing what are typical reasons for this 
error if Jvm heap memory can not grow beyond defined limit.


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