I have a requirement and need to understand if same can be achieved with
Flink retract stream. Let's say we have stream with 4 attributes userId,
orderId, status, event_time where orderId is unique and hence any change in
same orderId updates previous value as below

*Changelog* *Event Stream*

*user, order, status, event_time*
u1, o1, pending, t1
u2, o2, failed, t2
*u1, o3, pending, t3*
*u1, o3, success, t4*
u2, o4, pending, t5
u2, o4, pending, t6

*Snapshot view at time t6 (as viewed in mysql)*
u1, o1, pending, t1
u2, o2, failed, t2
u1, o3, success, t4
u4, o4, pending, t6
(Here rows at time t3 and t5 are deleted as they have been updated for
respective order ids)

What I need is to maintain count of "Pending" orders against a user and if
they go beyond configured threshold, then push that user and pending count
to Kafka. Here there can be multiple updates to order status e.g Pending ->
Success or Pending -> Failed. Also in some cases there may not be any
change in status but we may still get a row (may be due to some other
attribute update which we are not concerned about). So is it possible to
have running count in flink as below at respective event times. Here
Pending count is decreased from 2 to 1 for user u1 at t4 since one of it's
order status was changed from Pending to Success. Similarly for user u2, at
time t6, there was no change in running count as there was no change in
status for order o4

t1 -> u1 : 1, u2 : 0
t2 -> u1 : 1, u2 : 0
t3 -> u1 : 2, u2 : 0
*t4 -> u1 : 1, u2 : 0 (since o3 moved pending to success, so count is
decreased for u1)*
t5 -> u1 : 1, u2 : 1
*t6 -> u1 : 1, u2 : 1 (no increase in count of u2 as o4 update has no

As I understand may be retract stream can achieve this. However I am not
sure how. Any samples around this would be of great help.


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