Ok, I'll try and map my problem into something that should be familiar to
most people.

Consider collection of PCs, each of which has a unique ID, e.g.
ca:fe:ba:be, de:ad:be:ef, etc.

Each PC has a tree of local files. Some of the file paths are
coincidentally the same names, but there is no file sharing between PCs.

I need to produce metrics about how often files are opened and how long
they are open for.

I need for every X minute tumbling window not just the cumulative averages
for each PC, but the averages for each file as well as the cumulative
averegaes for each folder and their sub-folders.

I have a stream of events like


So from that I would like to know stuff like:

ca:fe:ba:be had 4/X opens per minute in the X minute window
ca:fe:ba:be had 3/X closes per minute in the X minute window and the
average time open was (67+97+197)/3=120... there is no guarantee that the
closes will be matched with opens in the same window, which is why I'm only
tracking them separately
de:ad:be:ef had 2/X opens per minute in the X minute window
ca:fe:ba:be /foo had 4/X opens per minute in the X minute window
ca:fe:ba:be /foo had 3/X closes per minute in the X minute window and the
average time open was 120
de:ad:be:ef /foo had 1/X opens per minute in the X minute window
de:ad:be:ef /bar had 1/X opens per minute in the X minute window
de:ad:be:ef /foo/manchu had 1/X opens per minute in the X minute window
de:ad:be:ef /bar/foo had 1/X opens per minute in the X minute window
de:ad:be:ef /foo/manchu/README.txt had 1/X opens per minute in the X minute
de:ad:be:ef /bar/foo/README.txt had 1/X opens per minute in the X minute

What I think I want to do is turn each event into a series of events with
different keys, so that


gets sent under the keys:


Then I could use a window aggregation function to just:

* count the "open" events
* count the "close" events and sum their duration

Additionally, I am (naïevely) hoping that if a window has no events for a
particular key, the memory/storage costs are zero for that key.

>From what I can see, to achieve what I am trying to do, I could use a
flatMap followed by a keyBy

In other words I take the events and flat map them based on the path split
on '/' returning a Tuple of the (to be) key and the event. Then I can use
keyBy to key based on the Tuple 0.

My ask:

Is the above design a good design? How would you achieve the end game
better? Do I need to worry about many paths that are accessed rarely and
would have an accumulator function that stays at 0 unless there are events
in that window... or are the accumulators for each distinct key eagerly
purged after each fire trigger.

What gotcha's do I need to look for.

Thanks in advance and appologies for the length


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