Hello community,

I am trying to  upgrade a  Flink Yarn session cluster running BEAM pipelines  
from version 1.2.0 to 1.6.3.

Here is my session start command: yarn-session.sh -d -n 4  -jm 1024 -tm 3072 -s 

Because of the dynamic resource allocation,  no taskmanager gets created 
initially. Now once I submit a job with parallelism 5, I see that 1 
task-manager gets created and all 5 parallel instances are scheduled on the 
same taskmanager( because I have 7 slots).  This can create hot spot as only 
one physical node ( out of 4 in my case) is utilized for processing.

I noticed the legacy mode, which would provision all task managers at cluster 
creation, but since legacy mode is expected to go away soon, I didn't want to 
try that route.

Is there a way I can configure the multiple jobs or parallel instances of same 
job spread across all the available Yarn nodes and continue using the 'new' 
mode ?


Jins George

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