Hi Boris,

the exact command depends on the docker-entrypoint.sh script and the image
you are using. For the example contained in the Flink repository it is
"task-manager", I think. The important thing is to pass "taskmanager.host"
to the Taskmanager process. You can verify by checking the Taskmanager
logs. These should contain lines like below:

2019-02-21 08:03:00,004 INFO
org.apache.flink.runtime.taskexecutor.TaskManagerRunner      [] -  Program
2019-02-21 08:03:00,008 INFO
org.apache.flink.runtime.taskexecutor.TaskManagerRunner      [] -

In the Jobmanager logs you should see that the Taskmanager is registered
under the IP above in a line similar to:

2019-02-21 08:03:26,874 INFO
org.apache.flink.runtime.resourcemanager.StandaloneResourceManager [] -
Registering TaskManager with ResourceID a0513ba2c472d2d1efc07626da9c1bda
(akka.tcp://flink@ at ResourceManager

A service per Taskmanager is not required. The purpose of the config
parameter is that the Jobmanager addresses the taskmanagers by IP instead
of hostname.

Hope this helps!



On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 4:37 PM Boris Lublinsky <
boris.lublin...@lightbend.com> wrote:

> Also, The suggested workaround does not quite work.
> 2019-02-20 15:27:43,928 WARN akka.remote.ReliableDeliverySupervisor -
> Association with remote system [
> akka.tcp://flink-metrics@flink-taskmanager-1:6170] has failed, address is
> now gated for [50] ms. Reason: [Association failed with [
> akka.tcp://flink-metrics@flink-taskmanager-1:6170]] Caused by:
> [flink-taskmanager-1: No address associated with hostname]
> 2019-02-20 15:27:48,750 ERROR
> org.apache.flink.runtime.rest.handler.legacy.files.StaticFileServerHandler
> - Caught exception
> I think the problem is that its trying to connect to flink-task-manager-1
> Using busybody to experiment with nslookup, I can see
> / # nslookup flink-taskmanager-1.flink-taskmanager
> Server:
> Address 1: ip-10-0-11-151.us-west-2.compute.internal
> Name:      flink-taskmanager-1.flink-taskmanager
> Address 1:
> flink-taskmanager-1.flink-taskmanager.flink.svc.cluster.local
> / # nslookup flink-taskmanager-1
> Server:
> Address 1: ip-10-0-11-151.us-west-2.compute.internal
> nslookup: can't resolve 'flink-taskmanager-1'
> / # nslookup flink-taskmanager-0.flink-taskmanager
> Server:
> Address 1: ip-10-0-11-151.us-west-2.compute.internal
> Name:      flink-taskmanager-0.flink-taskmanager
> Address 1:
> flink-taskmanager-0.flink-taskmanager.flink.svc.cluster.local
> / # nslookup flink-taskmanager-0
> Server:
> Address 1: ip-10-0-11-151.us-west-2.compute.internal
> nslookup: can't resolve 'flink-taskmanager-0'
> / #
> So the name should be postfixed with the service name. How do I force it?
> I suspect I am missing config parameter
> Boris Lublinsky
> FDP Architect
> boris.lublin...@lightbend.com
> https://www.lightbend.com/
> On Feb 19, 2019, at 4:33 AM, Konstantin Knauf <konstan...@ververica.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Boris,
> the solution is actually simpler than it sounds from the ticket. The only
> thing you need to do is to set the "taskmanager.host" to the Pod's IP
> address in the Flink configuration. The easiest way to do this is to pass
> this config dynamically via a command-line parameter.
> The Deployment spec could looks something like this:
> containers:
> - name: taskmanager
>   [...]
>   args:
>   - "taskmanager.sh"
>   - "start-foreground"
>   - "-Dtaskmanager.host=$(K8S_POD_IP)"
>   [...]
>   env:
>   - name: K8S_POD_IP
>     valueFrom:
>       fieldRef:
>         fieldPath: status.podIP
> Hope this helps and let me know if this works.
> Best,
> Konstantin
> On Sun, Feb 17, 2019 at 9:51 PM Boris Lublinsky <
> boris.lublin...@lightbend.com> wrote:
>> I was looking at this issue
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-11127
>> Apparently there is a workaround for it.
>> Is it possible provide the complete helm chart for it.
>> Bits and pieces are in the ticket, but it would be nice to see the full
>> chart
>> Boris Lublinsky
>> FDP Architect
>> boris.lublin...@lightbend.com
>> https://www.lightbend.com/
> --
> Konstantin Knauf | Solutions Architect
> +49 160 91394525
> <https://www.ververica.com/>
> Follow us @VervericaData
> --
> Join Flink Forward <https://flink-forward.org/> - The Apache Flink
> Conference
> Stream Processing | Event Driven | Real Time
> --
> Data Artisans GmbH | Invalidenstrasse 115, 10115 Berlin, Germany
> --
> Data Artisans GmbH
> Registered at Amtsgericht Charlottenburg: HRB 158244 B
> Managing Directors: Dr. Kostas Tzoumas, Dr. Stephan Ewen


Konstantin Knauf | Solutions Architect

+49 160 91394525


Follow us @VervericaData


Join Flink Forward <https://flink-forward.org/> - The Apache Flink

Stream Processing | Event Driven | Real Time


Data Artisans GmbH | Invalidenstrasse 115, 10115 Berlin, Germany

Data Artisans GmbH
Registered at Amtsgericht Charlottenburg: HRB 158244 B
Managing Directors: Dr. Kostas Tzoumas, Dr. Stephan Ewen

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