Hi Till,

IMHO, allow adding hooks involves 2 steps.
1. Provide hook interface, and call these hook in flink (ClusterClient) at
the right place. This should be done by framework (flink)
2. Implement new hook implementation and add/register them into

What I am doing is step 1 which should be done by flink, step 2 is done by
users. But IIUC, your suggestion of using custom ClusterClient seems mixing
these 2 steps together. Say I'd like to add new hooks, I have to implement
a new custom ClusterClient, add new hooks and call them in the custom
ClusterClient at the right place.
This doesn't make sense to me. For a user who want to add hooks, he is not
supposed to understand the mechanism of ClusterClient, and should not touch
ClusterClient. What do you think ?

Till Rohrmann <trohrm...@apache.org> 于2019年4月23日周二 下午4:24写道:

> I think we should not expose the ClusterClient configuration via the
> ExecutionEnvironment (env.getClusterClient().addJobListener) because this
> is effectively the same as exposing the JobListener interface directly on
> the ExecutionEnvironment. Instead I think it could be possible to provide a
> ClusterClient factory which is picked up from the Configuration or some
> other mechanism for example. That way it would not need to be exposed via
> the ExecutionEnvironment at all.
> Cheers,
> Till
> On Fri, Apr 19, 2019 at 11:12 AM Jeff Zhang <zjf...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>>  The ExecutionEnvironment is usually used by the user who writes the
>> code and this person (I assume) would not be really interested in these
>> callbacks.
>> Usually ExecutionEnvironment is used by the user who write the code, but
>> it doesn't needs to be created and configured by this person. e.g. in
>> Zeppelin notebook, ExecutionEnvironment is created by Zeppelin, user just
>> use ExecutionEnvironment to write flink program.  You are right that the
>> end user would not be interested in these callback, but the third party
>> library that integrate with zeppelin would be interested in these callbacks.
>> >>> In your case, it could be sufficient to offer some hooks for the
>> ClusterClient or being able to provide a custom ClusterClient.
>> Actually in my initial PR (https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/8190), I
>> do pass JobListener to ClusterClient and invoke it there.
>> But IMHO, ClusterClient is not supposed be a public api for users.
>> Instead JobClient is the public api that user should use to control job. So
>> adding hooks to ClusterClient directly and provide a custom ClusterClient
>> doesn't make sense to me. IIUC, you are suggesting the following approach
>>      env.getClusterClient().addJobListener(jobListener)
>> but I don't see its benefit compared to this.
>>      env.addJobListener(jobListener)
>> Overall, I think adding hooks is orthogonal with fine grained job
>> control. And I agree that we should refactor the flink client component,
>> but I don't think it would affect the JobListener interface. What do you
>> think ?
>> Till Rohrmann <trohrm...@apache.org> 于2019年4月18日周四 下午8:57写道:
>>> Thanks for starting this discussion Jeff. I can see the need for
>>> additional hooks for third party integrations.
>>> The thing I'm wondering is whether we really need/want to expose a
>>> JobListener via the ExecutionEnvironment. The ExecutionEnvironment is
>>> usually used by the user who writes the code and this person (I assume)
>>> would not be really interested in these callbacks. If he would, then one
>>> should rather think about a better programmatic job control where the
>>> `ExecutionEnvironment#execute` call returns a `JobClient` instance.
>>> Moreover, we would effectively make this part of the public API and every
>>> implementation would need to offer it.
>>> In your case, it could be sufficient to offer some hooks for the
>>> ClusterClient or being able to provide a custom ClusterClient. The
>>> ClusterClient is the component responsible for the job submission and
>>> retrieval of the job result and, hence, would be able to signal when a job
>>> has been submitted or completed.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Till
>>> On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 8:57 AM vino yang <yanghua1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Jeff,
>>>> I personally like this proposal. From the perspective of
>>>> programmability, the JobListener can make the third program more
>>>> appreciable.
>>>> The scene where I need the listener is the Flink cube engine for Apache
>>>> Kylin. In the case, the Flink job program is embedded into the Kylin's
>>>> executable context.
>>>> If we could have this listener, it would be easier to integrate with
>>>> Kylin.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Vino
>>>> Jeff Zhang <zjf...@gmail.com> 于2019年4月18日周四 下午1:30写道:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> I created FLINK-12214
>>>>> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-12214> for adding
>>>>> JobListener (hook) in flink job lifecycle. Since this is a new public api
>>>>> for flink, so I'd like to discuss it more widely in community to get more
>>>>> feedback.
>>>>> The background and motivation is that I am integrating flink into apache
>>>>> zeppelin <http://zeppelin.apache.org/>(which is a notebook in case
>>>>> you don't know). And I'd like to capture some job context (like jobId) in
>>>>> the lifecycle of flink job (submission, executed, cancelled) so that I can
>>>>> manipulate job in more fined grained control (e.g. I can capture the jobId
>>>>> when job is submitted, and then associate it with one paragraph, and when
>>>>> user click the cancel button, I can call the flink cancel api to cancel
>>>>> this job)
>>>>> I believe other projects which integrate flink would need similar
>>>>> mechanism. I plan to add api addJobListener in
>>>>> ExecutionEnvironment/StreamExecutionEnvironment so that user can add
>>>>> customized hook in flink job lifecycle.
>>>>> Here's draft interface JobListener.
>>>>> public interface JobListener {
>>>>> void onJobSubmitted(JobID jobId);
>>>>> void onJobExecuted(JobExecutionResult jobResult);
>>>>> void onJobCanceled(JobID jobId, String savepointPath);
>>>>> }
>>>>> Let me know your comment and concern, thanks.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>> Jeff Zhang
>> --
>> Best Regards
>> Jeff Zhang

Best Regards

Jeff Zhang

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