
The method that I described in the SO answer is still implemented in Flink.
Flink tries to assign splits to tasks that run on local TMs.
However, files are not split per line (this would be horribly inefficient)
but in larger chunks depending on the number of subtasks (and in case of
HDFS the file block size).

Best, Fabian

Am So., 28. Apr. 2019 um 18:48 Uhr schrieb Soheil Pourbafrani <

> Hi
> I want to exactly how Flink read data in the both case of file in local
> filesystem and file on distributed file system?
> In reading data from local file system I guess every line of the file will
> be read by a slot (according to the job parallelism) for applying the map
> logic.
> In reading from HDFS I read this
> <https://stackoverflow.com/a/39153402/8110607> answer by Fabian Hueske
> <https://stackoverflow.com/users/3609571/fabian-hueske> and i want to
> know is that still the Flink strategy fro reading from distributed system
> file?
> thanks

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