I have some awkward code in a few Flink jobs which is converting a Scala stream 
into a Java stream in order to pass it to AsyncDataStream.unorderedWait(), and 
using a Java RichAsyncFunction, due to old versions of Flink not having the 
ability to do async stuff with a Scala stream.

In newer versions of Flink, I see that 
org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.AsyncDataStream is available. However, it 
accepts only org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.async.AsyncFunction, and 
there does not appear to be an AbstractRichFunction subclass of that trait as I 
expected. Is there a way to use the Scala interfaces but provide a rich 
AsyncFunction to AsyncDataStream.unorderedWait()? If not, I will leave the old 
code as-is.


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