Hello -

I am trying to build an API that can start, control and stop a Flink Job

When I do an executionEnv.execute() where executionEnv is an
StreamExecutionEnvironment, I get back a JobExecutionResult. I find no way
to stop the job (say based on some timeout) from a JobExecutionResult.

One class that can help me is ExecutionGraph which has APIs like stop() and
scheduleForExecution(). But how do I get an ExecutionGraph from
executionEnv.execute(). All I want is to submit the job for execution and
then be able to stop it after some timeout. Or maybe if the job fails I
would like to do some cleanups.

What is the idiomatic way to design such APIs in Flink ?

Debasish Ghosh

Twttr: @debasishg
Blog: http://debasishg.blogspot.com
Code: http://github.com/debasishg

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