Hi Joshua,

If the tasks(subtask 1/5,subtask 2/5,subtask 3/5,subtask 5/5) were really in 
CANCELED state on TM side, but in CANCELING state on JM side, then it might 
indicates the terminal state RPC was not received by JM. I am not sure whether 
the OOM would cause this issue happen resulting in unexpected behavior.

In addition, you mentioned these tasks are still active after OOM and was 
called to cancel, so I am not sure what is the specific periods for your 
attached TM stack. I think it might provide help if you could provide 
corresponding TM log and JM log. 
From TM log it is easy to check the task final state. 

From:Joshua Fan <joshuafat...@gmail.com>
Send Time:2019年6月20日(星期四) 11:55
To:zhijiang <wangzhijiang...@aliyun.com>
Cc:user <user@flink.apache.org>; Till Rohrmann <trohrm...@apache.org>; Chesnay 
Schepler <ches...@apache.org>
Subject:Re: Maybe a flink bug. Job keeps in FAILING state


I did not capture the job ui, the topology is in FAILING state, but the 
persistentbolt subtasks as can be seen in the picture attached in first mail 
was all canceled, and the parsebolt subtasks as described before had one 
subtask FAILED, other subtasks CANCELED, but the source subtasks had one 
subtask(subtask 4/5) CANCELED, and other subtasks(subtask 1/5,subtask 
2/5,subtask 3/5,subtask 5/5) CANCELING,  not in a terminal state.

The subtask status described above is in jm view, but in tm view, all of the 
source subtask was in FAILED, do not know why jm was not notify about this.

As all of the failed status was triggered by a oom by the subtask can not 
create native thread when checkpointing, I also dumped the stack of the jvm, it 
shows the four subtasks(subtask 1/5,subtask 2/5,subtask 3/5,subtask 5/5) are 
still active after it throwed a oom and was called to cancel . I attached the 
jstack file in this email.

Yours sincerely
On Wed, Jun 19, 2019 at 4:40 PM zhijiang <wangzhijiang...@aliyun.com> wrote:
As long as one task is in canceling state, then the job status might be still 
in canceling state.

@Joshua Do you confirm all of the tasks in topology were already in terminal 
state such as failed or canceled?

From:Chesnay Schepler <ches...@apache.org>
Send Time:2019年6月19日(星期三) 16:32
To:Joshua Fan <joshuafat...@gmail.com>; user <user@flink.apache.org>; Till 
Rohrmann <trohrm...@apache.org>
Subject:Re: Maybe a flink bug. Job keeps in FAILING state

@Till have you see something like this before? Despite all source tasks 
reaching a terminal state on a TM (FAILED) it does not send updates to 
the JM for all of them, but only a single one.

On 18/06/2019 12:14, Joshua Fan wrote:
> Hi All,
> There is a topology of 3 operator, such as, source, parser, and 
> persist. Occasionally, 5 subtasks of the source encounters exception 
> and turns to failed, at the same time, one subtask of the parser runs 
> into exception and turns to failed too. The jobmaster gets a message 
> of the parser's failed. The jobmaster then try to cancel all the 
> subtask, most of the subtasks of the three operator turns to canceled 
> except the 5 subtasks of the source, because the state of the 5 ones 
> is already FAILED before jobmaster try to cancel it. Then the 
> jobmaster can not reach a final state but keeps in  Failing state 
> meanwhile the subtask of the source kees in canceling state.
> The job run on a flink 1.7 cluster on yarn, and there is only one tm 
> with 10 slots.
> The attached files contains a jm log , tm log and the ui picture.
> The exception timestamp is about 2019-06-16 13:42:28.
> Yours
> Joshua

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