
Let me list properly the questions I have:

* How to catch into a string the content of a DataStream? about this point
basically I have a DS<String> , the only way how I can use the content is
within a map function , print , store the content somewhere or SQL queries.
The point is that I need the content because depending on that content I
need to create another DS and later register it as a Table environment,
which means I need the value content but likewise the headers content and
the whole info is within the DS<String>. The first option I had was play
with the map function but apparently I can't create a new DS within a map
function and less register it as a new table environment.

My second option in this point could be create a sort of public variable to
store the DS<String> content and then create my UDF, but sadly this is
neither allowed. My options in this case would be either somehow store
public the content of the DS<String> into a new variable, turn the
DS<String> as String or store the content in a file and read the file and
start over to parse the content to serve the header and content for the new

* How dynamically create the DS<Tuple>: well basically after parse the
point above I might end up with an array of fields sometimes 4,3,2 doesnt
matter then I might need to swing between different tuples or turn my
content into Row to create a DS<Row>.

I'm looking forward to reading your comments.

thanks so much

On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 10:34 PM Caizhi Weng <tsreape...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Andres,
> Sorry I can't quite get your question... Do you mean that how to spilt the
> string into fields?
> There is a `split` method in java. You can give it a regexp and it will
> return an array containing all the split fields.
> Andres Angel <ingenieroandresan...@gmail.com> 于2019年7月24日周三 上午10:28写道:
>> Hello Weng,
>> thanks for your reply, however I'm struggling to somehow read the content
>> of my DS with the payload that defines how many fields the message contains
>> into a String. That is the reason why I thought into a map function for
>> that DS.
>> The Tuple part can change overtime can even pass from 3 or 4 to 2 then it
>> can change the whole time. How could I approach this challenge?
>> thanks so much
>> On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 10:23 PM Caizhi Weng <tsreape...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Andres,
>>> Are the payloads strings? If yes, one method is that you can store them
>>> as strings and process it further with user defined functions when you need
>>> to use them.
>>> Another method is that you can store them into arrays.
>>> Also, if the type of the first 3 fields are the same for the first and
>>> second payload, you can use a Tuple4<> and set the last element as null for
>>> the first payload.
>>> Andres Angel <ingenieroandresan...@gmail.com> 于2019年7月24日周三 上午10:09写道:
>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>> I need to create dynamically the size of my Tuple that feeds a DS, let
>>>> me explain it better. Let's assume the first payload I read has this format
>>>> "filed1,field2,field3", then this might require a Tuple3<> but my payload
>>>> later can be "field1,field2,field3,field4" then my Tuple might need to be
>>>> refine it on the flight and now be Tuple4<>.
>>>> How could I create this dynamically, any idea?
>>>> Thanks so much

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