[image: image.png]

When there are new events the old events just get stuck for many hours
(more than a day). So if there is a buffering going on it seems it is not
time based but size based (?). Looks like unless the buffered events exceed
a certain threshold they don't get flushed out (?). Is that what is going
on? Can someone confirm? Is there a way to flush out periodically?


On Fri, Aug 23, 2019 at 10:37 PM Vinod Mehra <vme...@lyft.com> wrote:

> Although things improved during bootstrapping and when even volume was
> larger. As soon as the traffic slowed down the events are getting stuck
> (buffered?) at the OVER operator for a very long time. Several hours.
> On Fri, Aug 23, 2019 at 5:04 PM Vinod Mehra <vme...@lyft.com> wrote:
>> (Forgot to mention that we are using Flink 1.4)
>> Update: Earlier the OVER operator was assigned a parallelism of 64. I
>> reduced it to 1 and the problem went away! Now the OVER operator is not
>> filtering/buffering the events anymore.
>> Can someone explain this please?
>> Thanks,
>> Vinod
>> On Fri, Aug 23, 2019 at 3:09 PM Vinod Mehra <vme...@lyft.com> wrote:
>>> We have a SQL based flink job which is consume a very low volume stream
>>> (1 or 2 events in few hours):
>>> *SELECT user_id,    COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY rowtime
>>> RANGE INTERVAL '30' DAY PRECEDING) as count_30_days,
>>> COALESCE(occurred_at, logged_at) AS latency_marker,    rowtimeFROM
>>> event_fooWHERE user_id IS NOT NULL*
>>> The OVER operator seems to filter out events as per the flink dashboard
>>> (records received = <non-zero-number> records sent = 0)
>>> The operator looks like this:
>>> *over: (PARTITION BY: $1, ORDER BY: rowtime, RANGEBETWEEN 2592000000
>>> PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW, select: (rowtime, $1, $2, COUNT(*) AS w0$o0)) ->
>>> select: ($1 AS user_id, w0$o0 AS count_30_days, $2 AS latency_marker,
>>> rowtime) -> to: Tuple2 -> Filter -> group_counter_count_30d.1.sqlRecords ->
>>> sample_without_formatter*
>>> I know that the OVER operator can discard late arriving events, but
>>> these events are not arriving late for sure. The watermark for all
>>> operators stay at 0 because the output events is 0.
>>> We have an exactly same SQL job against a high volume stream that is
>>> working fine. Watermarks progress in timely manner and events are delivered
>>> in timely manner as well.
>>> Any idea what could be going wrong? Are the events getting buffered
>>> waiting for certain number of events? If so, what is the threshold?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Vinod

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