Hi  Anurag

What do you mean "will the checkpoint pointer move at all or not"?

If one of your thread failed to send record, and if it would cause that 
sub-task to fail, it would lead to the job failover. When job failover, any 
on-going checkpoint would be aborted and job would then just restore from last 
latest checkpoint.
If failing to send record would not cause that sub-task to fail, nothing would 
happen and job continues to run but this might be not what you want.

Yun Tang
From: anurag <anurag.guj...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2019 2:03
To: user@flink.apache.org <user@flink.apache.org>
Subject: Async and checkpointing

Hi All,
Thanks for your help in advance. I am using async I/O with  flink 1.5.5, I am 

AsyncDataStream.unorderedWait method  also my capacity is set to 100.My 
question is since my capacity is 100, each thread will be processing one 
record.Say sequence number of my records is S1,S2....S100 and say at a 
particular point in time , thread T1 is processing record S1, T2 is processing 
record S2  and T100 is processing record S100 and say all the threads T1..T100 
except T50 failed when sending the record to the Sink. In this will the 
checkpoint pointer move at all or not.

Apologies in advance if my question is not clear.


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