Hello everbody,

Has anyone tried testing AggregateFunction() and ProcessWindowFunction() on a 
KeyedDataStream? I have reviewed the testing page on Flink’s official website 
 and I am not quite sure how I could utilize these two functions in an 
.aggregate() operator for my testing.

Here’s how I am using the AggregateFunction (EventCountAggregate()) and 
ProcessWindowFunction (CalculateWindowTotal()) in my Flink job:
DataStream<Tuple2<Date, Integer>> ec2EventsAggregate =
                .keyBy(t -> t.f0)
                .aggregate(new EventCountAggregate(), new 
                .name("EC2 creation interval count");

EventCountAggregate() is counting the each element in ec2Events datastream.

CalculateWindowTotal() takes the timestamp of each 30 minute window and 
correlates it to the number of elements that has been counted so far for the 
window which returns a Tuple2 containg the end timestamp and the count of 


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