Hi Min

Since kafka consumer would store KafkaTopicPartition [1] within checkpoint, you 
cannot load previous state if you changed the kafka topic name.

If you assign operator-id to previous stateful operator and splits into two 
operator but still maintain one new operator as previous operator-id, Flink 
would try to assign previous state to that new operator. Otherwise, previous 
state would not match any operator and you need to consider allow non-restored 
state if choose to resume from previous checkpoint/savepoint [3].


Yun Tang

From: "min....@ubs.com" <min....@ubs.com>
Date: Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 5:19 PM
To: "user@flink.apache.org" <user@flink.apache.org>
Subject: Savepoints and checkpoints


Are Flink savepoints and checkpoitns still vlaid after some data entity changes 
e.g. Kafka topic name changes? I expect the answer is "No"?
Similarly, are Flink savepoints and checkpoitns still valid after some job 
graph changes e.g. one stateful operator splits into two? I expect the answer 
is "No"?



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