Hi Vino,

Thanks a lot for your reply!
However I'm not quite sure my question was clear enough.
I'm aware I can create/get side outputs using output tags from within operators 
(Process Functions) as documentation also states.

The main point in my question is wether creating a sideo output is even 
possible from within a Sink? 
if so, would you mind pointing to an examples on how to correctly get the 
context necessary to add the "output" from within the "invoke()" method.
In case it isn't what are the usual/suggested strategies?

I know the Sink is usually the "last" portion of a data stream as its name 
indicates, but I was wondering if for some reason something can't be sinked 
(after retries, etc), what is the usual way to deal with such cases? 

Thanks again for your kind support.

On 2019/11/25 02:23:15, vino yang <yanghua1...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> Hi Victor,
> Firstly, you can get your side output stream via OutputTag. Please refer to
> the official documentation[1].
> Then, specify a sink for your side output stream. Of course, you can
> specify a Kafka sink.
> Best,
> Vino
> [1]:
> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-stable/dev/stream/side_output.html
> Victor Villa Dev <victor.villa....@gmail.com> 于2019年11月25日周一 上午2:27写道:
> > I'd like know if there's a way to generate a side output and/or sink to an
> > alternate kafka topic from within a Sink?
> > The use case is the datastream sinks to a storage and on particular failed
> > attempts I'd like to deadletter to a kafka topic.
> > Any suggestions?
> >
> > Thanks
> >

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