Hey Min,

If checking for empty map states works for you, this could be an option,
yes. Alternatively, check this out:

CheckpointedFunction.initializeState() will pass you a
FunctionInitializationContext, which has a method called


On Thu, Dec 5, 2019 at 10:18 AM <min....@ubs.com> wrote:

> Dear Robert,
> Thank you very much for sending your reply.
> What we try to achieve is that
> 1)      In a normal situation, checkpoints or save points are preserved,
> an application restarts from one of these paths (with configurations are
> kept in  Map states).
> 2)      Sometimes, e.g. during a version update (with a modified Kafka
> topic name), we could be un able to re start the application from one of
> these checkpoints or savepoints. We have to re start from scratch.
> We like to detect if a job starts from a checkpoint or starts from a
> scratch inside the main method.
> Then we can let a broadcast stream reading from the "earliest" or "latest"
> of a Kafka topic for configurations.
> Or should we just check if the map states are empty insead?
> Regards,
> Min
> *From:* Robert Metzger [mailto:rmetz...@apache.org]
> *Sent:* Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2019 09:47
> *To:* Tan, Min
> *Cc:* vino yang; user
> *Subject:* [External] Re: Access to CheckpointStatsCounts
> Hey Min,
> when a Flink job recovers after a failure, the main method is not
> re-executed. The main method is only executed for the submission of the
> job. The JobManager executing the job is receiving the final job graph. On
> failure, the JobManager will restore the job based on the job graph.
> If you start a Flink job from scratch, it will use the current
> configuration. On a failure recovery, the Flink job will rely on the
> checkpoint.
> Please let me know if your problem has been resolved with this
> information. If not, I need a bit more information on what you are trying
> to achieve, so that I can help you better.
> Best,
> Robert
> On Mon, Dec 2, 2019 at 10:12 AM <min....@ubs.com> wrote:
> Many thanks for sending your reply.
> It is not for monitoring but for configuration.
> For a job starting from an empty status, we like to load the fresh
> configurations.
> For a job recovering from a checkpoint, we like to rely on the checkpoint.
> Regards,
> Min
> *From:* vino yang [mailto:yanghua1...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Montag, 2. Dezember 2019 10:09
> *To:* Tan, Min
> *Cc:* user
> *Subject:* [External] Re: Access to CheckpointStatsCounts
> Hi min,
> If it is only for monitoring purposes, you can just use checkpoint REST
> API[1] to do this work.
> [1]:
> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.9/monitoring/rest_api.html#jobs-jobid-checkpoints
> Best,
> Vino
> <min....@ubs.com> 于2019年12月2日周一 下午5:01写道:
> Hi,
> Just wonder how to access the CheckpointStatsCoutns from the main method
> of a job?
> We need to detect if a job recovers from a checkpoint or starts from an
> empty status.
> Regards,
> Min

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