getResult will only be called when the window is triggered. For a
fixed-time window, it triggers at the end of the window.

However, for EventTimeSessionWindows you need to have gaps in the data. Can
you verify that there is actually a 20sec pause inbetween data points for
your keys?
Additionally, it may also be an issue with extracting the event time from
the sources. Could you post the relevant code as well?



On Mon, Dec 9, 2019 at 8:51 AM vino yang <> wrote:

> Hi dev,
> The time of the window may have different semantics.
> In the session window, it's only a time gap, the size of the window is
> driven via activity events.
> In the tumbling or sliding window, it means the size of the window.
> For more details, please see the official documentation.[1]
> Best,
> Vino
> [1]:
> devinbost <> 于2019年12月6日周五 下午10:39写道:
>> I think there might be a bug in
>> `.window(EventTimeSessionWindows.withGap(Time.seconds(5)))`
>>  (unless I'm just not using it correctly) because I'm able to get output
>> when I use the simpler window
>> `.timeWindow(Time.seconds(5))`
>> However, I don't get any output when I used the session-based window.
>> devinbost wrote
>> > I added logging statements everywhere in my code, and I'm able to see my
>> > message reach the `add` method in the AggregateFunction that I
>> > implemented,
>> > but the getResult method is never called.
>> >
>> > In the code below, I also never see the:
>> >  "Ran dataStream. Adding sink next"
>> > line appear in my log, and the only log statements from the
>> > JsonConcatenator
>> > class come from the `add` method, as shown below.
>> >
>> >
>> > DataStream
>> > <String>
>> >  combinedEnvelopes = dataStream
>> >     .map(new MapFunction&lt;String, Tuple2&amp;lt;String, String&gt;>()
>> {
>> >         @Override
>> >         public Tuple2 map(String incomingMessage) throws Exception {
>> >             return mapToTuple(incomingMessage);
>> >         }
>> >     })
>> >     .keyBy(0)
>> >     .window(EventTimeSessionWindows.withGap(Time.seconds(20)))
>> >     .aggregate(new JsonConcatenator());
>> >
>> > Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StreamJob.class);
>> >"Ran dataStream. Adding sink next")
>> >
>> > -------------
>> >
>> > private static class JsonConcatenator
>> >         implements AggregateFunction&lt;Tuple2&amp;lt;String,
>> String&gt;,
>> > Tuple2&lt;String, String&gt;, String> {
>> >     Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SplinklerJob.class);
>> >     @Override
>> >     public Tuple2&lt;String, String&gt; createAccumulator() {
>> >         return new Tuple2&lt;String, String&gt;("","");
>> >     }
>> >
>> >     @Override
>> >     public Tuple2&lt;String, String&gt; add(Tuple2&lt;String, String&gt;
>> > value,
>> > Tuple2&lt;String, String&gt; accumulator) {
>> >"Running Add on value.f0: " + value.f0 + " and
>> > value.f1:
>> > " + value.f1);
>> >         return new Tuple2<>(value.f0, accumulator.f1 + ", " + value.f1);
>> >     }
>> >
>> >     @Override
>> >     public String getResult(Tuple2&lt;String, String&gt; accumulator) {
>> >"Running getResult on accumulator.f1: " +
>> > accumulator.f1);
>> >         return "[" + accumulator.f1 + "]";
>> >     }
>> >
>> >     @Override
>> >     public Tuple2&lt;String, String&gt; merge(Tuple2&lt;String,
>> String&gt;
>> > a,
>> > Tuple2&lt;String, String&gt; b) {
>> >"Running merge on (a.f0: " + a.f0 + " and a.f1: " +
>> > a.f1
>> > + " and b.f1: " + b.f1);
>> >         return new Tuple2<>(a.f0, a.f1 + ", " + b.f1);
>> >     }
>> > }
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Any ideas?
>> >
>> >
>> > Chris Miller-2 wrote
>> >> I hit the same problem, as far as I can tell it should be fixed in
>> >> Pulsar 2.4.2. The release of this has already passed voting so I hope
>> it
>> >> should be available in a day or two.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > Sent from:
>> >
>> --
>> Sent from:

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