Thanks Arvid for your answer.
Can you please point me to any documentation/reference as to which metrics 
might be impacted ? Also, let me know of any other pitfall.
Once again, I appreciate your help.
    On Tuesday, December 10, 2019, 03:23:01 AM EST, Arvid Heise 
<> wrote:  
 Hi Mans,
there should be no issue to only have side-outputs in your operator. There 
should also be no big drawbacks. I guess mostly some metrics will not be 
properly populated, but you can always populate them manually or add new ones.

On Mon, Dec 2, 2019 at 8:40 PM M Singh <> wrote:

I am replacing SplitOperator in my flink application with a simple processor 
with side outputs.

My questions is that does the main stream from which we get the side outputs 
need to have any events (ie, produced using by the using collector.collect) ?  
Or can we have all the output as side outputs ? Also are there any pros and 
cons of at least one main collected output vs all side outputs ?

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