Thanks Roberts,

About your questions, I don't have yet a real estimation regarding the
number of records received by the pipeline but I guess that the pipeline
could be idle for several minutes (I don't think that for hours).

My concern comes to me from two aspects:

1) I saw multiple lines in the Flink task manager logs like the ones listed
below. Sounds like if the pipeline is doing polling over the Kafka topic
source, I don't know if I can control this behavior in some way to reduce
the CPU consumption when I can tolerate some latency.

*2019-12-17 05:25:56,720 INFO
org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.SubscriptionState - [Consumer
clientId=consumer-2, groupId=Reader-0_offset_consumer_2088979656_example]
Resetting offset for partition test-topic-0 to offset 561.*

*2019-12-17 05:25:56,720 INFO
org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.SubscriptionState - [Consumer
clientId=consumer-2, groupId=Reader-0_offset_consumer_2088979656_example]
Seeking to LATEST offset of partition test-topic-0*

*2019-12-17 05:25:56,721 INFO
org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.SubscriptionState - [Consumer
clientId=consumer-2, groupId=Reader-0_offset_consumer_2088979656_example]
Resetting offset for partition test-topic-0 to offset 561.*

*2019-12-17 05:25:56,721 INFO
org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.SubscriptionState - [Consumer
clientId=consumer-2, groupId=Reader-0_offset_consumer_2088979656_example]
Seeking to LATEST offset of partition test-topic-0*

*2019-12-17 05:25:56,722 INFO
org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.SubscriptionState - [Consumer
clientId=consumer-2, groupId=Reader-0_offset_consumer_2088979656_example]
Resetting offset for partition test-topic-0 to offset 561.*

2) I read that every slot reserves a portion of the task manager's memory,
so I would like to reuse that memory between multiple pipelines (again in
the context where some latency is allowed). I understand that this is not
possible in the current state of Flink but would be possible by avoiding
the direct map with Statefun, isn't it?

Thanks again for your reply.


On Tue, Dec 17, 2019 at 11:10 AM Robert Metzger <> wrote:

> Hi Andrés,
> sorry for the late reply.
> 1. The slots are released, when the streaming pipeline ends. In principle,
> it is not a problem when a slot is allocated, even when not processing any
> incoming messages. So you are not doing something wrong. How many records
> do you receive per pipeline? (are they idle for multiple hours?)
> There's a way to utilize the slots more efficiently: 
> Statefun
> will be contributed to Flink soon.
> StateFun doesn't have a direct slots to pipeline mapping.
> 2. The memory consumption per slot greatly depends on what kind of
> operator you are running in it. A heap statebackend might need a few
> gigabytes, a stateless mapper needs almost no memory. Some time ago, I
> wrote a blog post on sizing a Flink cluster:
> Best,
> Robert
> On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 5:06 PM Andrés Garagiola <
>> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I'm testing Flink to do stream processing, in my use case there are
>> multiples pipelines processing messages from multiple Kafka sources. I have
>> some questions regarding the jobs and slots.
>> 1) When I deploy a new job, it takes a job slot in the TM, the job never
>> ends (I think it doesn't end because is a stream pipeline), and the slot is
>> never released, this means that the slot is busy even when no new messages
>> are coming from the Kafka topic. Is that OK or I'm doing something wrong?
>> Is there a way to do a more efficient utilization of the job slots?
>> 2) In my use case, I need good job scalability. Potentially I could have
>> many pipelines running in the Flink environment, but on the other hand,
>> increase latency would not be a serious problem for me. There are some
>> recommendations regarding memory for slot? I saw that the CPU
>> recommendation is a core per slot, taking into account that increase the
>> latency would not be a big problem, do you see another good reason to
>> follow this recommendation?
>> Thank you
>> Regards

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