Hi Kostas,

I didn’t see a follow-up to this, and have also run into this same issue of 
winding up with a bunch of .inprogress files when a bounded input stream ends 
and the job terminates.

When StreamingFileSystem.close() is called, shouldn’t all buckets get 
auto-rolled, so that the .inprogress files become part-xxx files?


— Ken

> On Dec 9, 2019, at 6:56 PM, Jingsong Li <jingsongl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Kostas,
> I  took a look to StreamingFileSink.close, it just delete all temporary 
> files. I know it is for failover. When Job fail, it should just delete temp 
> files for next restart.
> But for testing purposes, we just want to run a bounded streaming job. If 
> there is no checkpoint trigger, no one will move the final temp files to 
> output path, so the result of this job is wrong.
> Do you have any idea about this? Can we distinguish "fail close" from 
> "success finish close" in StreamingFileSink?
> Best,
> Jingsong Lee
> On Mon, Dec 9, 2019 at 10:32 PM Kostas Kloudas <kklou...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:kklou...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi Li,
> This is the expected behavior. All the "exactly-once" sinks in Flink
> require checkpointing to be enabled.
> We will update the documentation to be clearer in the upcoming release.
> Thanks a lot,
> Kostas
> On Sat, Dec 7, 2019 at 3:47 AM Li Peng <li.p...@doordash.com 
> <mailto:li.p...@doordash.com>> wrote:
> >
> > Ok I seem to have solved the issue by enabling checkpointing. Based on the 
> > docs (I'm using 1.9.0), it seemed like only 
> > StreamingFileSink.forBulkFormat() should've required checkpointing, but 
> > based on this experience, StreamingFileSink.forRowFormat() requires it too! 
> > Is this the intended behavior? If so, the docs should probably be updated.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Li
> >
> > On Fri, Dec 6, 2019 at 2:01 PM Li Peng <li.p...@doordash.com 
> > <mailto:li.p...@doordash.com>> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hey folks, I'm trying to get StreamingFileSink to write to s3 every 
> >> minute, with flink-s3-fs-hadoop, and based on the default rolling policy, 
> >> which is configured to "roll" every 60 seconds, I thought that would be 
> >> automatic (I interpreted rolling to mean actually close a multipart upload 
> >> to s3).
> >>
> >> But I'm not actually seeing files written to s3 at all, instead I see a 
> >> bunch of open multipart uploads when I check the AWS s3 console, for 
> >> example:
> >>
> >>  "Uploads": [
> >>         {
> >>             "Initiated": "2019-12-06T20:57:47.000Z",
> >>             "Key": "2019-12-06--20/part-0-0"
> >>         },
> >>         {
> >>             "Initiated": "2019-12-06T20:57:47.000Z",
> >>             "Key": "2019-12-06--20/part-1-0"
> >>         },
> >>         {
> >>             "Initiated": "2019-12-06T21:03:12.000Z",
> >>             "Key": "2019-12-06--21/part-0-1"
> >>         },
> >>         {
> >>             "Initiated": "2019-12-06T21:04:15.000Z",
> >>             "Key": "2019-12-06--21/part-0-2"
> >>         },
> >>         {
> >>             "Initiated": "2019-12-06T21:22:23.000Z"
> >>             "Key": "2019-12-06--21/part-0-3"
> >>         }
> >> ]
> >>
> >> And these uploads are being open for a long time. So far after an hour, 
> >> none of the uploads have been closed. Is this the expected behavior? If I 
> >> wanted to get these uploads to actually write to s3 quickly, do I need to 
> >> configure the hadoop stuff to get that done, like setting a smaller 
> >> buffer/partition size to force it to upload?
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Li
> -- 
> Best, Jingsong Lee

Ken Krugler
custom big data solutions & training
Hadoop, Cascading, Cassandra & Solr

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