+1 for dropping all Elasticsearch connectors < 6.x

On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 2:45 PM Dawid Wysakowicz <dwysakow...@apache.org>

> Hi all,
> As described in this https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-11720
> ticket our elasticsearch 5.x connector does not work out of the box on
> some systems and requires a version bump. This also happens for our e2e.
> We cannot bump the version in es 5.x connector, because 5.x connector
> shares a common class with 2.x that uses an API that was replaced in 5.2.
> Both versions are already long eol: https://www.elastic.co/support/eol
> I suggest to drop both connectors 5.x and 2.x. If it is too much to drop
> both of them, I would strongly suggest dropping at least 2.x connector
> and update the 5.x line to a working es client module.
> What do you think? Should we drop both versions? Drop only the 2.x
> connector? Or keep them both?
> Best,
> Dawid

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